Mysql if then

Based on a certain condition, it allows us to execute a set of SQL statements.

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Mysql if then

The IF statement for stored programs implements a basic conditional construct. There is also an IF function , which differs from the IF statement described here. See Section An IF END IF block, like all other flow-control blocks used within stored programs, must be terminated with a semicolon, as shown in this example:. As with other flow-control constructs, IF You can use indentation to make nested flow-control blocks more easily readable by humans although this is not required by MySQL , as shown here:. In this example, the inner IF is evaluated only if n is not equal to m. Data Definition Statements. Atomic Data Definition Statement Support. LIKE Statement.

As with other flow-control constructs, IF Save Article. Work Experiences.

Decision Making in scripting is similar to decision-making in real life. In scripting, DBAs face some situations where they want a certain part of the script to be executed when some condition is fulfilled. Skip to content. Change Language. Open In App. Related Articles. Improve Improve.

The IF statement for stored programs implements a basic conditional construct. There is also an IF function , which differs from the IF statement described here. See Section An IF END IF block, like all other flow-control blocks used within stored programs, must be terminated with a semicolon, as shown in this example:. As with other flow-control constructs, IF You can use indentation to make nested flow-control blocks more easily readable by humans although this is not required by MySQL , as shown here:.

Mysql if then

We will also learn different forms of the IF statement and their examples. As mentioned earlier, it works similarly to the if statements in other programming languages. When the given search condition becomes true, the THEN block executes. Otherwise, the else block will be executed. If neither condition evaluates to true, the ELSE block will be executed. Before that, take a look at the table that we have created for the demo purpose. The following snapshots show the description and the sample data inside the table.

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Report issue Report. If you want to report an error, or if you want to make a suggestion, do not hesitate to send us an e-mail:. Data Structures. You will be notified via email once the article is available for improvement. Trending in News. Computer Organization. What kind of Experience do you want to share? Comparisons Using Subqueries. Vote for difficulty :. Data Manipulation Statements. Free Tutorials Enjoy our free tutorials like millions of other internet users since InnoDB Cluster. Current difficulty :. As with other flow-control constructs, IF

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