naam namak nishan meaning

Naam namak nishan meaning

Religion, caste, community etc. The moment he joins service as a trainee recruit, he becomes a part of the noble fraternity and brotherhood of arms, leaving all else behind. In order to live up to the faith reposed on the Armed Forces by the country, naam namak nishan meaning, only the fittest and the best are selected for All Ranks from Sepoy Indian Army soldier to officer.

Soldiers protect their flag from falling into hands of the enemy even if the price would be the supreme sacrifice. Every battalion has its own ethos and composition, its own battle cry and motto but every soldier is always ready to kill the enemy to defend the sovereignty of the nation. For an Indian soldier the core ethos are. In freezing, inhuman cold, poorly clothed in thin sweaters and jackets, wet shoes and badly equipped. Still the wonder was for every man lost by us, the enemy lost four to five. Rezang La that connects the Chushul Valley with rest of the country; and due to its close proximity with India-China border; is a highly sensitive area. The C Company of the 13th Kumaon battalion was protecting the airfield in Chushul when the Chinese troops attacked the area on the morning of November 18, and it was more than Chinese soldiers holding position against Indian soldiers.

Naam namak nishan meaning

Available on. N otionally, the proud Indian Army will be entering its 64th year of existence on January This is because, in fact, the Indian Army is as old as the idea of India. The killing fields of Kurukshetra have resounded with the resounding cry of Naam , Namak and Nishan , since the days of the cataclysmic Mahabharata War. Field Marshal Philip Chetwode, a British cavalry officer, who became Commander-in-Chief in India, gave this work ethic of the army a new name during his address delivered at the formal inauguration of the Indian Military Academy in -- "The safety, honour and welfare of your country come first, always and every time. The honour, welfare and comfort of the men you command come next. Your own ease, comfort and safety come last, always and every time. What is it that makes brave men and women in uniform live and die for the tricolour, over personal considerations? Since profit obviously isn't their motive, it has to be a spirit of selflessness and sacrifice; a feeling of oneness and unity with a grand idea; a dream; a commitment that leads them to sacrifice their comfort and even lives for an idea called India. Let us take a few examples to illustrate what this idea has meant to some brave hearts who have worn the India "colours" and the lessons we can take home from their achievements and sacrifices. What can one say of a shy, self effacing, embodiment of the Chetwode motto who died? That he was disarmingly handsome and brave; that he was an inspirational leader and the Fakhr-e-Hind of his beloved country, India?

Any changes in the composition of the unit can be affected only at the pleasure of the President. There is a team that works tirelessly to ensure that you have a seamless reading experience.


My Countrymen now call me Martyr Major Akshay. I must narrate it to you first hand, about what happened in those few hours, on that fateful morning in Nagrota, when four terrorists sneaked into the Army Camp started firing recklessly in the vicinity of the houses of Army personnel. Their target — wives and children of Army personnel. What an utter cowardly act. The best part of the Army life for me has always been the morning physical training, PT.

Naam namak nishan meaning

This exhibition is a tribute to the Indian armed forces. It is meant to educate, inspire and motivate the Indian youth and visitors from across the globe to learn about the contribution and sacrifice made by our men. Their bravery and valor should not only be appreciated but be part of our life. Through art, we have tried to explore their culture and stories, and most importantly their emotions. There is no better way to portrait emotions than through art. The artworks are not meant or created for the same purpose but provides a unique perspective paying tribute to the Indian Armed Forces through thought-provoking and inspiring artworks. Indians and their anecdotes of bravery are not new to the world. It motivates us and inspires the generations to come by listening to their stories. During the British Raj, brave Indian men fought on behalf of Britain all over the world including the first and second world war.

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The process is organised by first filling vacancies of the Fixed Class composition units from the recruitment influx. They were generous, thoughtful, gutsy and focused. But Major Shaitan Singh and his Company had already decided and following their ethos there was no any question of moving back. They fought with the enemies not with the ammunition only, the fight was actually driven by the courage of these Veer Ahirs who fought like the men possessed. Overview of India — Brazil Bilateral Relations. Pakistan: Human rights activist under attack after receiving international award. Squabbling Between Various Establishments in Pakistan. Happy Reading. Popular News. ED arrests Lalu's close aide in sand mining case. It is also necessary to make the "corporate governance model of the Indian Army of "Naam, Namak and Nishan," the corporate governance model of emerging India. Close by is the looming Point In order to live up to the faith reposed on the Armed Forces by the country, only the fittest and the best are selected for All Ranks from Sepoy Indian Army soldier to officer.

This book, much like its title, embodies the essence of honor, integrity, and sacrifice.

They passed out from the Indian Military Academy into the commissioned ranks of the Indian Army to the moving, timeless strains of Auld Lang Syne , Robert Burns's immortal, moving song reminiscing those days that will never return. Religion, caste, community etc. For recruitment in the Army, fulfillment of criteria like requisite education qualification, age bracket, health and physical fitness parameters etc. Your own ease, comfort and safety come last, always and every time. Still they fought till last man, last round and the last drop of the blood to protect the honour of the country. He lived the Indian Army's heroic "Follow Me" credo to the fullest, knowing that he would have to pay the price. It is surprising that after seven decades of independence when there should be talk of removing reservation altogether the opposite is being propagated for the Army. These officers cheerfully and fearlessly gave up their most valued possession -- their lives -- for the idea of India. But Major Shaitan Singh and his Company had already decided and following their ethos there was no any question of moving back. It was in such unforgiving, barren mountains, that, in the summer of , young Capt Vikram Batra, Param Veer Chakra, and brave hearts like him willingly gave up their lives.

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