naked gun

Naked gun

Naked Gun Collection is a series of hilarious, naked gun, slapstick comedy films centered around the bumbling police detective, Frank Drebin, played by the iconic Leslie Nielsen. Filled with puns, visual gags, and absurd naked gun, these films poke fun at the conventions of the crime and detective genre, providing endless laughs and entertainment.

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. The Naked Gun. Action Comedy. Director Akiva Schaffer.

Naked gun

Frank : It's the same old story. Boy finds girl, boy loses girl, girl finds boy, boy forgets girl, boy remembers girl, girls dies in a tragic blimp accident over the Orange Bowl on New Year's Day. Jane : Goodyear? Frank : No, the worst. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Play trailer Comedy Crime. Director David Zucker. Leslie Nielsen Priscilla Presley O. See production info at IMDbPro.

Rolling Stone.

The Naked Gun media franchise , also known as Police Squad! The installments include one television series and three theatrical films. The plot centers on a police detective with a lot of heart, despite being less-than intelligent. The franchise was met with mostly positive critical reception, [1] [2] [3] and the films were a financial box office success. As of , Seth MacFarlane is developing a sequel. Parodying police procedurals , the series featured the use of sight gags , wordplay and non sequiturs.

By Ryan Gajewski. Senior Entertainment Reporter. Following the breakout success of the smash hit Airplane! The movie, featuring Leslie Nielsen reprising his Police Squad! What inspired the series Police Squad! Pat Proft: I was a story editor on Police Squad! It was canceled after four episodes. So then we did Top Secret! We really wanted to go back to doing what we most enjoyed, which was the Airplane! I thought we should do a movie of Police Squad!

Naked gun

The Naked Gun media franchise , also known as Police Squad! The installments include one television series and three theatrical films. The plot centers on a police detective with a lot of heart, despite being less-than intelligent.

Mika kim

Needing a home team based in Greater Los Angeles which was the film's setting, the writers successfully settled for the Angels. Frank : No, the worst. Simpson , Priscilla Presley , and Ricardo Montalban. See the full list. Famous Mothers and Their Famous Children. Ludwig attempts to have Nordberg killed at the hospital by hypnotizing his doctor, but Drebin successfully protects Nordberg. Play trailer Archived from the original on April 13, See our picks. Filled with puns, visual gags, and absurd situations, these films poke fun at the conventions of the crime and detective genre, providing endless laughs and entertainment. Paramount Pictures Corporation.

Frank Drebin comes out of retirement to help Police Squad infiltrate a gang of terrorists planning to detonate a bomb at the Academy Awards.

Leslie Nielsen Lt. Wikiquote has quotations related to The Naked Gun. Police Squad! See the gallery. Frank Drebin. Retrieved July 27, George Kennedy Capt. Meanwhile, he starts going out with the beautiful Jane Spencer Priscilla Presley. He is part of a police force called Police Squad, who the security of Queen Elizabeth has just been handed to for her visit to Los Angeles. Retrieved May 4, Recently viewed. Top picks Sign in to rate and Watchlist for personalized recommendations.

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