Names like genevieve

Find baby name inspiration and advice on the Mumsnet Baby Names forum. I freely admit to being keen on 'matchy matchy' sibling groups, names like genevieve. We aren't going to find out the sex of baby2 due later this year and have a definite boys name as baby1 was a girl.

Online Etymology Dictionary, Genevieve , October Britannica, St. Baby Names. Genevieve ge-nevie-ve,. Baby Name Lists. Search Names. Fact Checked by Rhayn Abner.

Names like genevieve

And yes I think it would be spelled the same too. Thank you!! Some others I like-. Sign Out. Sign Up. Posting as. Baby Names. Community Guidelines Community Glossary. The views expressed in community are solely the opinions of participants, and do not reflect those of What to Expect. Learn more about our guidelines Just so you know, What to Expect may make commissions on shopping links on this page. Newest First. Violation Reported. Guinevere Josephine Anastasia Seraphina All these make cute nicknames as well. MLCmommy, yes I like that pronunciation as well! MLCmommy, I think so Anastasia.

Any others or thoughts on this list? Opens a new window Opens a new window Opens a new window Opens a new window.

Find baby name inspiration and advice on the Mumsnet Baby Names forum. DH and I are tossing some names around, but every name one of us really likes, the other one doesn't! Some of the names that we've talked about some my choices, some his like this are: Matilda Cecily Felicity Genevieve Florence Ruth Can you suggest any other names for us to consider? I have used two of your list, so it looks like we like the same style of name. Happy choosing!

The classy and feminine Evelyn has ranked in the US Top 10 since If you love Evelyn but want a more unique name, this list is for you. Classic girl names further down the popularity charts include Louisa, Catherine, Annabel, Rosemary, and Felicity. Here is our list of 50 alternatives to Evelyn , ordered by their current popularity on Nameberry. Home Lists Girl Names Lists. By Brynn McKeon. Share Copy link.

Names like genevieve

If you plan to use it for your daughter, here are some great middle names for Genevieve. Scroll down for more middle names for Genevieve, names like Genevieve, nicknames for Genevieve and boys names to go with Genevieve. In the US name charts , the name Genevieve ranked at th in having been growing steadily for the last twenty years. Genevieve has been in the US top names since the s.

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Note that once you confirm, this action cannot be undone. Let's Have a Laugh! Add post Watch this thread Save thread. Active Watching Add post I'm on Search. Community Guidelines Community Glossary. I know of sisters named Genevieve and Eloise.. Customise Getting started FAQ's. Related Baby Names Lists Check out these related baby names lists to discover more baby boy and baby girl names and meanings. Will show them to DH tonight thanks. I agree that Vivienne is also a gorgeous match.

Choosing a middle name for a girl named Genevieve, with its French origin and rich history, is an opportunity to create a name combination that is both elegant and unique. So, without further ado, dive into our extensive list of middle name options for Genevieve, each a potentially perfect way to celebrate the birth of your beloved child.

Active Watching Add post I'm on Search. OP posts: See next See all. We strive to provide you with a high quality community experience. Connect with our community members by starting a discussion. Email address. Join Mumsnet Log In. On this page:. Other Origin s : German. Genevieve is one of my favourites too! Genevieve ge-nevie-ve,. Vivienne was a contender for DD, but DH vetoed then and continues to do so now because he's a fool. OP posts: See next See all. I always thought sounded lovely together! PersephoneVeraVedaAmaliaPhoebe too

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