nathalie miraculous

Nathalie miraculous

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Cho膰by za cen臋 w艂asnego szcz臋艣cia Hej, wr贸ci艂am tylko na chwil臋, ale licz膮 si臋 ch臋ci, prawda? Dzisiaj mam dla Was troch臋 kr贸tszy rozdzia艂 ni偶 zwykle, ale my艣l臋, 偶e uka偶e on r贸wnie偶 wi臋cej 艣wiat艂a na relacj臋 Gabriela i Nathalie, kt贸ra jest do艣膰 niezwyk艂a , i skomplikowana. Obudzi艂am si臋, kiedy poczu艂am na swym ramieniu delikatny dotyk. Kto艣 lekko trz膮s艂 moim cia艂em, pr贸buj膮c zmusi膰 do otworzenia oczu.

Nathalie miraculous


Projektant tymczasem tylko si臋 u艣miechn膮艂, co w tamtej chwili mnie zaskoczy艂o, poniewa偶 przecie偶 przez sw贸j sen zniszczy艂am uk艂ad grafiku wed艂ug, kt贸rego funkcjonowa艂a rodzina Agreste, nathalie miraculous.


Season 5 has finished airing globally, however, the wiki still does not allow sharing or discussing any leaked materials due to legal reasons. Nathalie Sancoeur is the assistant of Gabriel Agreste. She is in charge of taking care of various tasks for him as well as taking care of his son, Adrien. In the Season 2 premiere, it is revealed that she is aware that Gabriel is Hawk Moth and in the Season 2 finale, she uses the Peacock Miraculous to become the villain Mayura. Nathalie fought snakes in her youth along with Gabriel. She fell in love with Gabriel but saw that he was falling in love with Emilie as Gabriel and Emilie grew closer. She is said to have also found the Peacock Miraculous along with the Butterfly high in the Tibetan mountains with Gabriel and Emilie there too. When Adrien spots Master Fu tripped and unable to reach his cane, he runs to help him, therefore allowing Nathalie and the bodyguard to block the steps leading into the building and take him back home. Later, Nathalie, while homeschooling Adrien, quizzes him on history until Gabriel interrupts and firmly tells Adrien that he will not be going to school before exiting. Nathalie offers to end the homeschooling for the day, though Adrien sadly runs up to his room before she can finish.

Nathalie miraculous

This is Thesecret I am an admin of this site. Edit as much as you wish, but one little thing If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! That is all.

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D贸艂 sukni kszta艂tem przypomina pawi ogon. Asystura ubrana jest w czarny garnitur z usztywnianymi ramionami. Stara si臋 wspiera膰 ch艂opaka. Stw贸rz nowe Dzie艂o Moje dzie艂a Writing contests. Kiedy Gabriel po raz kolejny przegrywa z Biedronk膮, dodatkowo trac膮c Miraculum Kr贸lika oraz jedyn膮 okazj臋 na odzyskanie ukochanej 偶ony, Nathalie obwinia go twierdz膮c, 偶e przegra艂 z w艂asnej winy, karmi膮c si臋 obsesj膮 na punkcie Biedronki. G艂贸wn膮 broni膮 Safari jest kusza oraz pociski, kt贸re stworzy艂a przy pomocy umiej臋tno艣ci Genesis. Send to Friend. Oczy kobiety s膮 koloru r贸偶owego z niebieskimi bia艂kami oraz czarnymi, grubymi rz臋sami. Na biodrach znajduj膮 si臋 czarne elementy. Gdy sta艂a si臋 Safari, od Monarchy dosta艂a moc Genesis. Kolorystyka Mayury zosta艂a zachowana w niebieskich i r贸偶owych barwach. Jej specjaln膮 umiej臋tno艣ci膮 jest tworzenie Emo-potwora za pomoc膮 pi贸r, kt贸re pozyskuje z broni.

Season 5 has finished airing globally, however, the wiki still does not allow sharing or discussing any leaked materials due to legal reasons. She is a former treasure hunter of magical objects and Gabriel Agreste's assistant who manages his fashion work, his mansion , and takes care of his son Adrien. In " Catalyst ", which is part of the " Heroes' Day " special, Nathalie was voluntarily akumatized by Hawk Moth into Catalyst , a power-enhancing supervillain.

W odcinku Asystura zostaje zakumizowana przez W艂adc臋 Ciem , aby wcieli膰 jego nikczemny plan w 偶ycie. Miraculum: Biedronka i Czarny Kot Wiki. Z ty艂u he艂mu umiejscowiony jest r贸wnie偶 czarno-czerwony szpic, skierowany w d贸艂. Dba o Adriena i okazuje trosk臋 wobec niego. Kr贸tkie, granatowe w艂osy s膮 starannie u艂o偶one, a na policzki opadaj膮 kosmyki w艂os贸w. Sezon 5. Rozdzia艂, w kt贸rym prawda wychodzi na jaw. Oznacza to, 偶e znaj膮 si臋 ju偶 od d艂u偶szego czasu. Current Wiki. W odcinku Uk艂ad , przeczuwaj膮c, 偶e Gabriel szykuje si臋 do kolejnego okrutnego planu, ostatkiem si艂 zakrada si臋 do podziemi rezydencji i celuje do Agreste'a z kuszy. Epilog, w kt贸rym r贸wnowaga zostaje zachowana. Rozdzia艂, w kt贸rym 膰ma staje si臋 motylem. Rozdzia艂, w kt贸rym dwa serca staj膮 si臋 jedno艣ci膮.

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