Nathan summers x men
Nathan Christopher Summers is the long-lost displaced time traveling mutant son of Scott Summers and [genetically] Jean Grey. From the moment nathan summers x men was born, Cable's life has not been easy. The circumstances of his birth were orchestrated by a mad geneticist named Mister Sinister who had created Cable's mother, Madelyne Pryor, a clone of Jean Grey. Sinister then had Pryor seduce Cyclops Scott Summers in order to conceive a child that he believed would be a phenomenally powerful mutant.
Nathan Summers is the time-displaced version of his former self, the son of Scott Summers and of Jean Grey. He currently holds a spot in the Summer House and is a citizen of the nation of Krakoa. The history of Nathan Summers was the same as his former counterpart until the ripple effects of time began having an effect on his reality, including the deaths of Tetherblood and Aliya. Nathan was informed by Blaquesmith that his older self's inability to protect the timeline and not returning the time-displaced original X-Men to their proper time was causing this, as the result would be the eventual death of Iceman and thus the changing of the timeline. With this knowledge, he traveled back in time to accomplish what his older self could not.
Nathan summers x men
Initially, Cable's origin was undecided and he was assumed to be a separate character. It was later decided that he was actually an older version of the child Nathan, having later become a time traveler. The mutant terrorist Stryfe is a clone of Cable and one of his deadliest enemies. Cable is also the adoptive father of Hope Summers. Born in the present-day, Nathan was infected with a deadly techno-organic virus while still an infant. He was sent into a possible future timeline where he could be treated and live his life. In this future world, Nathan grew into the warrior Cable and became an enemy of the villain Apocalypse. He later returned to the present-day era, initially arriving some years before his own birth. Since making his home in the modern era, he has worked alongside the X-Men including Cyclops and Jean Grey and reformed the New Mutants group into the original X-Force. He had frequent battles against the near-invincible assassin Deadpool , who later became an on-again, off-again ally for years. In the Extermination mini-series, Cable was killed and replaced by a younger, time-displaced version of himself who decided that the older one was ineffective in his crusade.
His right arm is also cybernetic, but far less so. At their height, he demonstrated the ability to simultaneously levitate the floating city of Providence and combat the Silver Surfer. Archived from the original on January 14,
Not literally, of course. Surprising a man with knowledge of the future is pretty hard to do, but the notable revelation from Cable's captivity in Children of the Vault 1 is that he has apparently done away with a need to sleep — freeing up plenty of time for him to plan ahead. Coming from a war-torn future as the sworn enemy of the former villain Apocalypse, Nathan Summers has spent his entire life mapping out every potential threat and scenario that he could come across. This lifetime of battle has turned Nathan not only into a master tactician, but also one of the most strategically sound minds of the X-Men, much like Cyclops. His sense of strategy is so strong that he not only trained the New Mutants and X-Force, but he was also once able to defeat even the Avengers. If it were somehow possible for Scott Summers to do away with the need for sleep, so that he could always be on alert to protect his fellow mutants, it is more than likely that he would take the opportunity.
Death has always been something of a revolving door in comic books, and particularly for the X-Men. Jean Grey set a precedent when she returned after the classic "Dark Phoenix Saga," and since then it is frankly easier to list X-Men who have not died and been resurrected than it is to list those who have. Jonathan Hickman's X-Men relaunch has actually turned this idea into a core part of the franchise, with the X-Men learning how to conquer death through a combination of mutant powers and Cerebro technology. Back in , readers were given one of the strangest death-and-resurrection arcs of all time. Cable, the time-traveling son of Cyclops and Madelyne Pryor, was mysteriously murdered. In the end, it turned out his killer Nathan Summers is a temporal event in his own right, meaning there are different iterations of him running around the timestream. The new Cable — referred to by fans as "Kid Cable" because of his young age — had felt his older self was failing to protect the timeline.
Nathan summers x men
Nathan Summers is a powerful mutant telepath and telekinetic , who has been fighting in wars most of his life as the time-travelling soldier called Cable. The son of the first X-Man Cyclops and Madelyne Pryor , Nathan's maternally-inherited powers manifested at a young age. The circumstances of his birth were machinated by Mr. Sinister to create a living weapon against Apocalypse , [40] [41] which resulted in his mother's descent into madness and death after learning her place in this plot as a clone of his eventual step-mother, founding X-Man Jean Grey. During this ordeal, baby Nathan was infected with the Techno-Organic Virus and sent into a post-apocalyptic future where he could be saved. Raised in this future as Nathan Dayspring , the " Askani'son " [13] destined to kill Apocalypse in the Clan Askani religion, Nathan became a hardened warrior and brilliant tactician. During his teen years, Nathan returned to the " past " and reconnected with his parents and older sister Rachel on the budding mutant nation of Krakoa , [42] but eventually returned to his adopted future to thwart Stryfe , his own radical terrorist clone. Now dedicated to the current time period, Cable sought to better the future of both mankind and mutantkind, for he had seen the result of not doing so firsthand.
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Nathan dating Esme Cuckoo. Later, Forge made an enhanced exoskeleton weapon for Cable? While initially purged of his T. Warning her how much worse things will be if she killed him, Nathan wondered if what he overheard was true, after hearing her reply he presented the Shredded Man with an ultimatum: either call off his Inhuman plague or suffer under a concoction of his that removed Inhuman immunity. They never told "Nathan Dayspring" of their true origins or his, and never stayed in one place for too long. Blaquesmith seemingly sacrificed himself so Nathan and Tetherblood could escape, telepathically telling Nathan to find the remaining members of the Clan Askani. Nathan and Esme escaped back to Krakoa through an emergency portal without collateral damage, promising to see each other again after Cable's date night with her sister Phoebe the next day. In the future, Cable discovered records that stated Sam Guthrie , the New Mutant known as Cannonball, existed into at least the 23rd century. Cable and Deadpool were hurled across the space-time continuum; just after Cable noted the hole in his soul. He was stopped by Cyclops and Hope, and was taken to Utopia to die.
Nate Grey , a. Sinister created Nate as the ultimate telepath and telekinetic, and hoped to use him in his own bid for power against Apocalypse. Cyclops, in his many subversive raids on Sinister's pens, helped Nate escape Sinister's hideout with neither man knowing his connection to the other.
Cable is extremely pragmatic when trying to achieve his goals. Browse Stores Retailer Tools. Initially, Cable's origin was undecided and he was assumed to be a separate character. While there, Cable found a 'Psimitar' weapon that let him channel his remaining psionic power. Nate disclosed what these hybrid creatures were and about how they transmitted the pandemic across the globe, disclosing an enzyme inhibitor to Pietro for him to get synthesized. With the assistance of Shi'ar technology, Professor Xavier "jump-starts" this ability while Jean Grey telekinetically holds Cable's body together, allowing Cable to send his consciousness into the past. Ororo told him to take his time, assured him that he would always be one of them, and that he could count on them anytime he needed. Ultimately, Cable leads a faction of mutants loyal to him and assassinates the Professor, Cyclops , and Jean Grey before embarking on a violent crusade. Baby Nathan's alternate reality teenage half-sister Rachel Summers created a psi-bond with him, while promising to protect him and always be there for him. Tyler began to tell Stryfe what he had recently learned himself, that Stryfe was the clone, but Stryfe did not believe him. Cable is an Alpha Level mutant. Master Combatant: Cable was a highly accomplished warrior and battle strategist, highly adept in many forms of hand-to-hand combat and in the use of a variety of weaponry from both the modern era and the late 37th-early 39th century.
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