naughty pee stories

Naughty pee stories

I pee on things I shouldn't. Plastic chairs, the floor, laundry, the edge of the guest room bed, in cups and bowls.

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Naughty pee stories

I like to pee in places where I am not supposed to. The first time I did it was in a doctors office. I asked for the bathroom and the receptionist sent me to one in the hall. It was down a side hall halfway through the building. It was late in the day and most of the other offices were closed. I got to the bathroom in the carpeted side hall and it was locked. This time I peed in the hall by a dentist office. I peed in a hallway there and frequently went back and peed on some carpeted stairs. I saw a man peeing in the grass near the road recently in the middle of the day downtown, and it all started back up again. Today I peer in a full parking lot next to my car with people all around. I really enjoyed it.

I am 40 years old and have been married

I really want to confession this somewhere other than the search bar of my browser. It gets me hot to confess it, honestly. It felt so good I shouted when I lost it! I recall how soft and warm that was and wish i had the courage to keep a stuffy or pillow to release into often. I did it to the couch cushion once and felt really dirty so I didn't do that again though I desperately want to urinate all over a plush sofa.

Forgot your password? I went for a walk with my husband on Wednesday. It was the first bit of nice weather we had here this year and I wanted to make the most of it, and what's a better way than peeing outside? I had finished work so I got changed into a loose flowy dress that reached my knees and a white thong underneath. I also put on some heels, Mark really enjoys the sound they make when I walk and I was more than happy to indulge him! I left the house feeling rather full and I made it my personal mission to relieve myself somewhere other than the toilet, and I definitely wasn't allowed to return home with a full bladder. The walk was really nice, we held hands and walked at a nice leisurely pace just taking our time and enjoying each others company. We was walking through the city and my attention soon turned to finding somewhere to pee, I was feeling more desperate by the minute.

Naughty pee stories

Note: You can change font size, font face, and turn on dark mode by clicking the "A" icon tab in the Story Info Box. Please consider leaving feedback on issues you experience or suggest improvements. It was my first day at my university and the butterflies were dancing in my stomach as the coach pulled up outside the tall imposing building of the main university campus building. I followed the other girls who had been on board out the bus doorway and was greeted by an elderly lady smartly dressed. She introduced herself as "Mrs Dowding" and proceeded to shepherd us inside where a new group of smiling girls were waiting for us. Dowding then went out to read out a register calling out our names at which stage a girl from the crowd would come forward to claim us as their new room mate. My turn came at last and I was introduced to a smiling red head with a pretty face and lots of freckles. I followed Sandra along the gravel path. It was a beautiful day.

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Screen Name or Email. I'm a 19 year old girl, and since I was a little girl, my parents, me, and my I like to read true naughty wife Yes No. Ive showered now but I need to piss again, sitting on the leather sofa at my bestfriends hiuse seems the best place to go. I stayed in a hotel in the southwest. I peed in a hallway there and frequently went back and peed on some carpeted stairs. I've done it about a dozen different times and have always gotten away with it. I love love love to pee on carpet. It was in the garage awaiting destruction as it was half broken. It was late in the day and most of the other offices were closed.

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It was late in the day and most of the other offices were closed. I want to have the Barbie toilet back so I can pee in it again or buy a child's training toilet to pee in in my bedroom. Stories of places i've peed in, some are requests. Make a podcast, YouTube or TikTok videos about our confessions and we'll promote your content, free! Stay logged in. I recall how soft and warm that was and wish i had the courage to keep a stuffy or pillow to release into often. I spread my legs as much as my pants would allow and humped to gasping completion right there in my pissy mess. I also want to pee in a hotel room - right into the carpet, leaving a big puddle behind. I dont think its gross at all, message me :. But be careful, you can get in trouble if the wrong type of people see you. I am a sociopath and I have only just I'm glad you discovered the pleasure of naughty peeing. I am 40 years old and have been married I was the only person in an elevator when a girl who appeared to be in her late teens or early 20's wearing a fairly short dress got onto the elevator with me. Every morning for the last few months I

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