Neliel bleach
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Nelliel is a female Arrancar who has hazel eyes and green hair. Notably, she has a scar and the crimson line that runs across her face, and pronounced lower canine teeth. Her gown is now torn into a skirt and a top, connected with a single strip across her abdomen. Her skull mask also differs slightly; its features appearing sharper and less cartoonish with a pair of curved horns, but still missing some of its teeth. In her child form, Nel's eyes are incredibly wide, the canines on her lower jaw are even larger than usual, and the remains of her Hollow mask make up a cartoon-like skull which sits on the top of her head. A crack runs along the left side of the mask and four teeth on the left side of the skull are broken off.
Neliel bleach
She then asked what drove his blood lust. Nel tells Ichigo that Dondochakka and Pesche are her brothers and Bawabawa is their neliel bleach.
Many of Bleach 's villains are simply beyond redemption because all they want is power, often at the expense of others. Captain Sosuke Aizen stole the research of Kisuke Urahara and hatched a grand plan to assume the throne of heaven , and he created the unmasked Arrancars to aid him. But one Arrancar was different: Nelliel Tu Odelschwank. Nelliel was among an earlier generation of her kind before Ichigo fought Ulquiorra and Grimmjow in the main story. From the very start, Nelliel had a good heart, promising to represent a change for the better among her kind. Sadly, betrayal cut that idea short. Nelliel was once a powerful Menos Grande and became an Arrancar.
Neliel bleach
Nelliel is a female Arrancar that has hazel eyes and short green hair. In her child form, her eyes are incredibly wide, the canines on her lower jaw are larger than usual, and the remains of her Hollow mask make up a cartoon-like skull which sits on the top of her head. A crack runs along the left side of the mask and four teeth on the left side of the skull are broken off. She has a large scar coming down from her forehead to her nose and a crimson line that stretches horizontally across her face below her eyes. Her clothing consists of a simple green gown with a hood which covers her entire body. Her true form is that of a fully-grown curvaceous and well-endowed adult with long waving greenish-blue hair, retaining similar features to her child form, including the scar and the crimson line that runs across her face, but her bottom canines aren't quite as pronounced. Her gown is now torn into a skirt and a top, connected with a single strip across her abdomen.
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She is also relatively level-headed in terms of how to fight, stating that if one's excuse for a battle is to fight out of hatred, prejudice, or simple competition, as Nnoitra does, then it is merely instinctual and animalistic, and that it makes the challenger look "childish," "unworthy," and "not much of a warrior". She also has a philosophy on life that provides a code of honor, respect, and mercy. She dons white gloves with hoof-shaped gauntlets on her wrists that end in tan fur, green fur sleeves extending to her elbows, red pauldrons on both shoulders, long white leggings that reach up to her mid-thighs, and traditional Arrancar shoes with heels shaped like ram hoofs; her upper arms and upper thighs are left bare. Ichigo, with Nel Tu on his back, encounters Dordoni. Can't Fear Your Own World. Fantasy Sci-fi. Bawabawa tends to get upset for not being included in the group's super sentai-styled introduction sequences. Nel explains that he is all of the sand in the area and that he can always come back together. He agreed to the truth of that, but stated that nothing else could fill that void. While her child form severely limits her Arrancar powers, she is still able to absorb and redirect a Cero blast from a Privaron Espada-class Arrancar in its released form, though the effort seems to tire her immediately. As witnessed during her numerous fights with Nnoitra, Nelliel's shown to be relatively calm and silent when fighting, preferring to speak only when spoken to, a rather uncommon trait among most Arrancar. He then admits that he forgot about her Cero Doble , her trademark technique. However, her childlike antics can sometimes block her intelligence. He then states that she shouldn't think the power of the current Espada is the same as when she was an Espada and that the number on her back is meaningless now. Nelliel tells him it's such a pity as it will be difficult to transform again after only just returning to her original form.
Nelliel lives in Hueco Mundo where she co-rules the world alongside her fellow Espada, Tier Harribel.
She remarks that carrying four souls out of it would be difficult, and is shocked to see that the entrance is so small. She advised him to keep it concealed if he didn't want to look weak and moved on. Grimmjow mocks her for that stating that since Aizen is gone numbers don't mean anything now and confidently wanted to prove he's stronger than her. As Nelliel, she is much more mature, composed, logical, sophisticated, and intelligent than her child form. The vomit has a similar appearance to saliva, leading her to believe that it is. Unlike in her original form, Nel does not mix the swallowed Cero with her own; instead, she simply sends it back. He agreed to the truth of that, but stated that nothing else could fill that void. Nelliel simply places her hand up stopping the blast entirely much to Nnoitra's surprise. She easily defeated Nnoitra, who is a highly proficient swordsman in his own right, several times. All of a sudden, Runuganga , the guardian of the white sands, appears and confronts Nel and her friends. During her numerous fights with Nnoitra, Nelliel is relatively calm and silent when fighting, preferring to speak only when spoken to, a rather uncommon trait among most Arrancar. Nnoitra comments that it does seem as though she has lost her memory, but after getting her head broken it's no wonder she has forgotten all that has happened.
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