nes controller switch

Nes controller switch

One of the perks of being signed up to Nintendo Switch Online is that it grants you access to a library of classic NES games playable on your shiny, modern console. Making the deal even sweeter, Nintendo has also released a pair of special NES-style controllers that can be used with your Switch to make these games feel super-authentic, nes controller switch.

Nintendo Switch. Nintendo 3DS. My Nintendo Store. Super Mario. The Legend of Zelda. Super Smash Bros. Animal Crossing.

Nes controller switch


Nintendo eShop. I came back to say the price doesn't so much bother me as the fact I can't just buy one. My Nintendo Store.


The controllers are perfect for any players who fit the above descriptions. They replace the old cord with Bluetooth connection and the ability to dock them right onto the Switch to charge, but that aside? Using them to play the variety of NES games available on the console is a similarly recognizable experience. To test the controllers, we played some rounds of Dr. You like playing NES games? Go ahead.

Nes controller switch

Terms apply. This item is only for paid Nintendo Switch Online members. However, a Nintendo Switch console with detached Joy-Con is required to charge the controllers. Two Controllers — Available as a set of two controllers for competitive and cooperative fun. To Purchase this item, you must have a paid Nintendo Switch Online membership.

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I have no need for a pair. Super Mario Bros. You are ironic right? Cancel Continue. Yeah, faithful right down to the very bad ergonomics. Still good though, especially if they release Snes titles at a later stage. Already had a fresh mold for these because of the Nes Mini. Cool idea but that price tag. I've not seen the direct yet but will the games be available for purchase rather than rentable through the service?! Making the deal even sweeter, Nintendo has also released a pair of special NES-style controllers that can be used with your Switch to make these games feel super-authentic.


Thank you for visiting the Nintendo website! Nintendo 3DS. So sounds like these controllers will be useless once Nintendo ends its online service and take down the NES games off with it. Stay in touch. You are about to leave the Nintendo of Europe site. You can count on it. You have been randomly chosen to take part in a brief survey. Stupid idea. Tap here to load 70 comments. Overview Orders Address book Nintendo Account details.

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