Newfoundland telephone directory

John's Directory Assistance. Corner Brook Directory Assistance. Mount Pearl Directory Assistance.

Find a person in St. You can use The St. John's by Last Name. All rights reserved. Facebook Twitter.

Newfoundland telephone directory

City and business directories are available online from all over the U. This activity of presenting links is a collaborative effort between The Ancestor Hunt and Miriam Robbins, who for years has made available the Online Historical Directories website, which presents links to directories of all types that are available online, including free collections as well as those available only via subscription. I wish to thank Miriam for her help in launching this category of records at The Ancestor Hunt. So, what kinds of directories are available to the researcher? Naturally city and business directories, but also telephone directories, and alumni, farm, lodge, rural, and social directories. What can you find in these records? How about:. Note : Some of the links listed below take you to a FamilySearch Collection of digital images. If there is a camera with a key icon, it is only available at a Family History Center or affiliated library. If there is a film reel icon, then it is only available in microfilm format, not digital. Please make sure that you are signed in to FamilySearch, in order to take full advantage of the collections that are available. Updated October

Clarenville Directory Assistance. Security Services. Electrical Services.


Find a person in St. You can use The St. John's by Last Name. All rights reserved. Facebook Twitter. John's White Pages. Shannon Burge 25a Macdonald Dr, St. John's Anita Burns 64 Crosbie Rd, St.

Newfoundland telephone directory

All rights reserved. Facebook Twitter. Newfoundland And Labrador Cities. Abraham's Cove White Pages. Adam's Cove White Pages. Adeyton White Pages.

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Birchy Head Directory Assistance. A Doyle 35 Cormack St, St. Alumni Records. Financial Services. Place Finders. Modular Home Solutions Ltd. John's School Records. I wish to thank Miriam for her help in launching this category of records at The Ancestor Hunt. Bonne Bay Directory Assistance. Your email address will not be published. Church Records. B Doyle 28 Vimy Ave, St. Business Services. C Doyle 30 Wexford St, St.

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A Doyle 35 Cormack St, St. Harold Downton 1 Rodney St, St. Shopping Centres. John's Directory Assistance. Generally, the publishing company is included in the reference to the collection, along with the collection title, and the date s of the directory:. People Search in St. Black Duck Cove Directory Assistance. Electrical Services. Birchy Bay Directory Assistance. M Downton 48 Amherst Hts, St. Florence Downton 57 Forbes St, St. So, what kinds of directories are available to the researcher? Bell Island.

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