Nightwing 2017

This was my favorite issue of the new Nightwing.

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Nightwing 2017

Try and keep up as Dick Grayson spans the globe to piece together clues and uncover the mystery of who wants Nightwing dead! The stakes are getting higher, Dick is teamed up with Damian, Nightwing's New 52 suit returns in an unexpected but thrilling way, and I couldn't be more excited for the next issue. Read Full Review. Nightwing 16 is excellent issue and a great beginning to a new story arc. Tim Seeley is on fire with this series as it's well paced, well written, and feels incredibly fresh. It even manages to make the hero fighting hero element interesting! Nightwing is the character drama you never knew you needed! ConclusionSeeley and his team have a long term and invested fan in me. The feeling I get reading Seeley's work is what made me fall in love with comics in the first place; familiarity, yet something entirely new and wonderful, and I don't want that feeling to ever go away. Nightwing is starting to close in on some of the top level DC books. Nightwing 16 is a great introduction to a new story arc. Setting up the big bad, showing motivation and pure emotion, all while having a lot of fun along the way. Seely sure can write a great Dick Grayson and it shows here.

Justin Ray Jun 25,


Dick Grayson has long been given the short end of the stick by DC in film , and James Gunn's DC Universe can finally realize the true potential Nightwing has in live-action. DC Comics has a long history of live-action adaptations, with many of its most popular heroes getting to appear in movies and series, be it in shared universes like the DCEU and the Arrowverse or standalone projects. While heroes like Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, and the Flash have had multiple projects, other popular comic book characters like Nightwing have suffered. Nightwing would make for a great fixture in Gunn's universe, leading some of DC's upcoming movies , be it as a solo hero or as part of a team. Dick Grayson has a long comic book history, as he was the first character to carry the Robin mantle for DC. The director has shared many teases of different superhero teams, with the announced projects for the DCU hinting at possible debuts for the Justice League, the Terrifics, and many other teams. Dick could also serve as a mentor to the Teen Titans, creating two DCU teams that can have revolving rosters of heroes. Dick Grayson was Batman's first Robin , with Bruce taking the young orphan in after his parents were murdered in what first appeared to be an accident. Despite having had a similar origin story to Bruce, Dick managed to go a different direction, becoming a beacon of light amid Gotham's darkness. As Nightwing, Dick became his own hero, with all of Bruce's qualities and none of his darkness.

Nightwing 2017

While that's an easy thing to focus on, there's a much deeper story to Nightwing in the world of DC Comics than simply "Robin grew up. In fact, there are many other characters besides Dick Grayson who have been called Nightwing, from mythical heroes to parallel worlds to cheap imitations, the name has been spread around. Eventually, it tends to come back to Dick Grayson, but you can click through to learn about the other characters that have held that mantle. If you know one Nightwing , this is probably the one. Dick Grayson decided to strike out on his own as a hero, and wanted to leave the Robin identity and Batman's shadow behind. In modern continuity, he's inspired by the tale of the mythical Kryptonian Nightwing , as told to him by Superman, and decides to adopt the identity. His costume used to have a bitchin' collar, and hopefully we'll see it in the movie as an easter egg. An acrobat, his also-acrobat parents were killed when he was young, and he was taken in by Bruce Wayne, trained as his sidekick and ward as Robin, and eventually became Nightwing.

Susan oliver

I can't wait to see what is in store for the next issue. It was funny seeing Damian crying about everyone online saying Dick is is the best Robin and future Batman. His Damian Wayne is less desirable and actually brings the character back to a time when he was a real pain. I for one am very excited. JRS Mar 1, You stay classy, Dick Grayson ;. This all helps make the future of Nightwing's ongoing something you want to continue read, especially with how this issue ends. ComiczLover Dec 11, Very nice and sincere issue of Nightwing that ends with me wishing that it could be like that for a few more issues. Weird Science - Eric Shea Feb 15, Mister Bungle Mar 1,

Fighting crime since he was young, Dick has been in his fair share of wild situations, all of which helped him to prepare for a life full of superheroic triumphs and soul-crushing defeats. From his humble beginnings as a Flying Grayson to his formative years as Robin to his solo adventures as Nightwing , Dick is shown a lot of love and respect from his fellow superhero colleagues, with their feelings for him shared by fans around the world. Making it his mission to protect his city at all costs, Nightwing will never forget being unable to save , people when the villain known as Chemo was dropped on the skyline, binding Nightwing further to a place that needs him just as much as he needs it.

Overall this book is honestly not for everyone, but if you are a fan of Nightwing or Bat Family in general, do pick it up, it is worth reading, it was never meant to be on a grand scale like some other books in Rebirth line, this book is more about self discovery and so far Seeley has hit all the right notes, as Nightwing continues trying to correct the wrongs that have happened ever since the events of Forever Evil. I love reading this book. Tim Seeley is able to tap into the potential that always exist whenever Dick Grayson and Damian Wayne team-up. Get a copy: Amazon. Connections Version of Batman Solid start to this new arc! WhistleBlower Mar 6, Serverarbengan Apr 23, Recently viewed. Writer Tim Seeley continues to impress with the character of Nightwing. This latest team-up played well with the re-introduction of Deathwing into the DCU as the latest addition to Nightwing's growing rogues gallery. Another great thing about this issue is all the conversations Dick has with the members of the Bat family. Were there stylistic choices made that I wouldn't have done? Nightwing 15 is an excellent standalone story that effectively makes us care for Dick Grayson and Shawn Tsang's relationship. The first real disappointment of Seeley's Nightwing run, though it's not without its charms.

3 thoughts on “Nightwing 2017

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