He survived the activation of the Mass Shadow Generator superweapon during the war's final battle at the planet of Malachor V nihilus, which surrounded the planet with a destructive spatial phenomenon known as a mass shadow. Experiencing the shadow that obliterated almost everything on and around the planet made Nihilus crave Force energy. The affliction painfully ravaged his body while rendering him a wound in the Force. He was found by a seeker of these, the former Jedi Kreiawho became the Sith Lord Darth Traya and told him that nihilus could teach nihilus to feed his endless hunger.
This is Thesecret I am an admin of this site. Edit as much as you wish, but one little thing If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! This Villain was Headlined on February, Any act of adding this villain to the Pure Evil category without a proposal or creating a proposal for this villain without the permission of an administrator will result in a ban.
Thus began the Battle of Telos IVa large conflict with fronts on both Citadel Nihilusthe planet's orbiting satelliteand in space. January Thanos Marvel, nihilus.
On the behalf of this extremely strong and powerful Sith Lord, very little is known of his origin. One thing that is known is the fact that he survived the Mandalorian Wars and the battle on Malchor V; after the wars, with his hatred, he began his way to the Dark Side of the Force. Nihilus' power grew to the extent that he was consumed by it, becoming a wound in the Force. However, along with his raw power, the Mass Shadow Generator activated at Malachor may have played a part in Nihilus' status as a wound in the Force, but this is not confirmed. Nihilus is known as the Lord of Hunger because of his need to "feed" on living things by draining their Force energy. Nihilus travels across the galaxy in a ship called the Ravager , searching for vast amounts of Force energy for him to drain.
Real Name: Unknown. Did You Know: In his most powerful form, Darth Nihilus was simply utilizing the Force to keep a fully formed body appearance intact. A survivor of the Mandalorian Wars , very little is known about the man who would become Darth Nihilus. What we do know is that he has a hatred that is rivaled by few and that unlike other Sith Lords, Nihilus was consumed by the Force. Darth Nihilus is known as a wound in the Force, or in simpler terms, a disastrous disturbance within the Force. She convinced him that she could train him so that he may be able to easily feed on entire planets. No different than many other Sith apprentices, the two eventually betrayed their master and cut off her connection to the Force. Now free from his master, a planet known as Miraluka called the attention of Nihilus. He was immediately drawn to it due to its strong connection to the Force and that it housed a Jedi enclave.
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Wookieepedia Explore. I can follow it to its source… and bring it to you. Sion defeated Traya, while Nihilus sapped her energy. Nihilus lost everything, including his will to go on living, after the Mandalorian Wars, between the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders and the Galactic Republic. They would make him stronger, but only for a time, and he would have to feed upon Force energy to replenish his strength. He accidentally drained the life energy of another survivor, but while it was unpleasant, Nihilus felt his hunger disappear for a moment. I beg you… please… let me die. The parties—a group of spacers , Sith cultists known as the Apex Society , and a band of pirates called Sando's Boys —all convened in and around the cove where the ship resided. At one point, Nihilus had made a Holocron that allowed people to communicate with his spirit, as well as containing numerous secrets of the Sith. And when the Jedi are dead, he will feed on the galaxy, the Republic, and eventually, consume the Sith as well. Sci-fi Star Wars. Most of Nihilus' followers, simply from being around their master, became able to drain Force energy from others to become stronger. December Benjamin Willis.
He survived the activation of the Mass Shadow Generator superweapon during the war's final battle at the planet of Malachor V , which surrounded the planet with a destructive spacial phenomenon known as a mass shadow that obliterated almost everything and everyone on and around the planet.
May Geese Howard FF. June Homelander comics. When she asked him why the wave of death had spared her, the Sith Lord did not speak. They would make him stronger, but only for a time, and he would have to feed upon Force energy to replenish his strength. After dispatching the other two groups, the spacers claimed the mask for their own. Instead, he showed her a vision of the galaxy as he perceived it: beings on other planets unable to feel the Force, disconnected from one another and lost in the crush of humanity. September Audrey II. Nihilus' forces, comprised of servants who had been reduced to mindlessness by prolonged exposure to their Dark Lord and Sith warriors, made their way to the planet. They engaged in a brief duel , with the Dark Lord seemingly too strong to defeat. Darth Nihilus was a man who always craved greater power.
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