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Novel update
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Log in. Novel Updates Forum. Tags: guide for newbies hopefully i finish this before i get too lazy no hijacking picture limit too low tony : pictures work in progress. Are you new to Novel Updates? Maybe you have questions regarding how to use it? If so, just read this for some basic information regarding the features of this site. I don't guarantee that this is covers everything though hahaha Reading List The Reading List allows you to keep track of novels you are reading. You can manually update your progress, allowing you to easily remember which chapters you've read. All you have to do is click the check box corresponding to the latest chapter you've read, and it will automatically update your list.
Novel update
Discussion in ' Translator's Corner ' started by Tony , Nov 16, Log in. Novel Updates Forum. How Does Novel Updates Work? It seems like some people are still confused about how Novel Updates works, and I figured it'll be best to finally make a thread dedicated to how Novel Updates works since I'm still getting questions about it. It's targeted at new translators that want to get their releases auto approved by Novel Updates. Novel Updates is automated when it comes to grabbing and approving most releases.
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