Npa nxx area code lookup

Connect with a sales representative about our products, npa nxx area code lookup. This information is critical when Verizon is the directory provider for facility based CLECs or for Resellers who are reselling other than Verizon service in a Verizon directory area. If you are reselling Verizon service it is not necessary for you to complete this form. Idearc will use information you supply as a tool when handling listings for your customers and when determining which directories to supply to them.

If you work for a phone service, telecommunications company, or telecommunications software provider, you understand the importance of service area identification. With NPA-NXX databases and lookup tools, you can pinpoint coverage areas with reliability and precision, locating rate centers, carriers, localities, wire centers and other crucial information to ensure the most accurate call routing and reporting for your business. We put our customers' needs at the forefront of everything we do, and you can expect us to do the same for you. Numbering plan areas NPAs , more commonly known as area codes, are three-digit prefixes that identify telephone service regions by geographic location, such as U. NPAs were established to eliminate the need for operator toll dialing and enable individuals to call other subscribers directly.

Npa nxx area code lookup


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For quick information about a specific area code, use the area code search. You can also find the area code for a city or town with population greater than 20, The site also provides area code maps. These reports include identification of geographic area codes i. In addition, there is a report that identifies those planned area codes not yet in service. It lists anticipated in-service dates if they are known. The "status" column provides additional information.

Npa nxx area code lookup

North American Number Plan. That includes the US and it's territories, Canada , and the Caribbean. Number depletion refers to the shrinking number of phone numbers available for distribution. Some of the causes of number depletion are the increase in demand for new phone numbers for cell phones and pagers. Although there are technically 10 million seven-digit phone number combinations available in each area code, some numbers aren't available, such as , , and numbers starting with 0 or 1. In an overlay region, all local calls require the area code be dialed, even if you are placing a call to the same area code as your own. Exchange names refer to the first digits of a 7-digit phone number. They were introduced in the 's and used until around

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Acquire information outside the public domain. Report on traffic usage. We're always here and ready to help. This document contains proprietary and confidential information of DexMedia LLC and shall not be reproduced or transferred to other documents, disclosed to others, or used for any purpose other than that for which it is furnished, without the prior written consent of DexMedia LLC. Through this comprehensive database, you can gain insights regarding rate center identification, wireless numbers and inter- and intraLATA calls to identify caller jurisdiction and rates without any manual effort on your part. This data is compiled using a variety of industry sources to ensure the most accurate information available. The next three digits, known as NXXs, are assigned by rate center with the "N" in this number string denoting any number from two to nine, and the "X" representing digits range from zero to nine. For more information on our services, give us a call at or contact us here! Get a Free Quote! Edit Profile Change Password.


Order Samples. Contact Us. Acquire information outside the public domain. One prefix entry per line. Through this comprehensive database, you can gain insights regarding rate center identification, wireless numbers and inter- and intraLATA calls to identify caller jurisdiction and rates without any manual effort on your part. NPAs were established to eliminate the need for operator toll dialing and enable individuals to call other subscribers directly. Support Support. How can we help you? Accurate data is our passion — that's why we've spent over 40 years perfecting our databases and maintaining our reputation as one of the industry's most reliable telecom database providers. Identify wireless numbers. With NPA-NXX databases and lookup tools, you can pinpoint coverage areas with reliability and precision, locating rate centers, carriers, localities, wire centers and other crucial information to ensure the most accurate call routing and reporting for your business. This identifier has associated data fields that give insights into their assigned telecommunications networks.

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