Nytimes movies to watch

Not Rated 83 min Comedy, Musical. Votes: 4, R min Drama.

Here are a few of our favorites. The director Paul Verhoeven pulled one of the great bait-and-switches of the modern blockbuster era with this sci-fi and action hybrid, in which a futuristic authoritarian government uses propaganda and jingoism to convince young people to die cheerfully for the flag. The acclaimed stage director George C. The setting is a Chicago music studio in Aardman Animations made its feature debut in with this delightful cross between barnyard farce and prison escape caper, in which a headstrong hen enlists a cocky circus rooster to help her and her friends flee their henhouse before the evil farmer turns them into pies. Universal Pictures.

Nytimes movies to watch


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N o year-end best-movie list is definitive, because no year of moviegoing experience can be reduced to bullet points—nor should it be. Particularly now, when we can watch so many new movies without leaving our homes , the experience of watching has changed drastically, and in ways we may never be able to fully reckon with. When you finish watching a movie at home, you may still be thinking about it as you tee another one up, or head off to bed, or patter into the kitchen to make a sandwich. But a movie watched in a theater, in the company of other human beings, takes up space in a different way. As you drive away, or head to the bus or subway, a great movie—or even a terrible one—follows you.

Nytimes movies to watch

Since March, the year in cinema has been defined by a near-total absence of significant theatrical releases—first, because theatres across the country were shut down in response to the coronavirus pandemic and, subsequently, because even after they reopened people largely stayed away. In spite of this, has been, against the odds, a wonderful year for new movies. The absence of tentpole-type films—superhero spectacles, familiar franchises, star vehicles—had the welcome effect of thrusting independent films to the foreground. But, at a time of emergency, in which the very survival of Americans and American political institutions has been in question, the impotence of movies to make a difference is an inescapable aspect of watching and thinking about cinema. Considering the changed state of movies in the face of the pandemic is impossible, and immoral, without also considering the governmental failures—rooted in indifference, incompetence, malevolence, and greed—that have made the pandemic an ongoing medical and social catastrophe.

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Approved min Drama, Film-Noir. Domestic and professional tensions mount when a husband and wife work as opposing lawyers in a case involving a woman who shot her husband. Not Rated 83 min Comedy, Musical. Passed min Drama. Votes: 5, When Prince John and the Norman Lords begin oppressing the Saxon masses in King Richard's absence in s England, a Saxon lord fights back as the outlaw leader of a resistance movement. R min Drama, Thriller. The setting is a Chicago music studio in R min Documentary, Comedy. IMDb user rating average 1 1. Director: Milos Forman Stars: F. A kind-hearted street urchin and a power-hungry Grand Vizier vie for a magic lamp that has the power to make their deepest wishes come true.


The director Paul Verhoeven pulled one of the great bait-and-switches of the modern blockbuster era with this sci-fi and action hybrid, in which a futuristic authoritarian government uses propaganda and jingoism to convince young people to die cheerfully for the flag. Votes: 22, Passed min Crime, Drama, Film-Noir. A young factory worker decides to stand up against his workmates and fellow union members when they want to hold a wildcat strike. The Apostle PG min Drama 7. Jonathan Wenk. Amarcord R min Comedy, Drama 7. Passed 89 min Drama, Romance. Aardman Animations made its feature debut in with this delightful cross between barnyard farce and prison escape caper, in which a headstrong hen enlists a cocky circus rooster to help her and her friends flee their henhouse before the evil farmer turns them into pies. R min Drama, Thriller. Universal Pictures. An American Naval Officer's talent for living the good life in wartime is challenged when he falls in love and is sent on a dangerous mission. A German youth eagerly enters World War I, but his enthusiasm wanes as he gets a firsthand view of the horror.

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