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Samara Weaving born 23 February is an Australian actress and model. She began her career in her home country, playing Kirsten Mulroney on the drama series Out of the Blue She earned acclaim for headlining the critically and commercially successful feature Ready or Not —her first lead role in a theatrical American film—and was established as a scream queen. Her mother is an art therapist who teaches museum studies at the University of Newcastle. It was not commissioned for a second season.

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Retrieved 26 November Archived from the original on 20 July The Assignment []. The Valet []. Blades of Glory []. Repli-Kate []. Not Another Teen Movie []. Archived from the original on 12 December The Iron Claw []. Washington D. Florida Film Critics Circle. Nefarious [].


Archived from the original on 12 December Tools Tools. Her mother is an art therapist who teaches museum studies at the University of Newcastle. Retrieved 22 July Dead Ant []. I thought that The Valet is going to be a classic comedy of errors but it turned out to be a charming rom-com with a twist. She began her career in her home country, playing Kirsten Mulroney on the drama series Out of the Blue Retrieved 12 March Screen Rant. Archived from the original on 25 August Archived from the original on 27 November Best Actress. Blades of Glory [].

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