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Click Here. Click "Sign-Up Now" and select your county of filing to see course pricing. Children in Between Online is commonly accepted by court systems across the United States to fulfill requirements regarding divorce education for parents, often replacing inconvenient and expensive in-person classes. You can sign up for the course today, complete the course today, and print your certificate of completion today! Children in Between is scientifically proven to ensure that you learn the skills necessary to make divorce easier on your children. Watch videos with common co-parenting problems and then see different responses that produce positive and negative results. After each video scenario, CIBO presents the user with guided questions to explore how each problem can be addressed, and to increase your understanding of the situation. At the end of each chapter, you'll have the opportunity to reinforce what you've learned by taking a quiz. Quizzes help ensure that you'll be ready to handle situations in the future. You can spend time practicing and refining your skills in our Skills Practice section - meant to increase your confidence in the skills taught in CIBO. Children in Between was created by distinguished psychologist Dr. Donald Gordon and proven to work. The program was recommended by our co-parenting counselor and I would recommend it to other couples who are thinking about or getting a divorce involving children. In fact, I have recommended it to one of my co-workers already. The only program on divorce, listed on the National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices, that reduces parental conflict.

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The Center for Divorce Education. Providing online and in-person programs for parents and children of divorce since If you are court ordered to take our 8-Hour High Conflict Solutions course, please visit: www. Click on your State for more information:. For more than 30 years, The Center for Divorce Education has been dedicated to helping parents and children deal with the difficult process of divorce and separation. Some of the largest counties in the United States have chosen CIBO to meet the requirements of their court-ordered parenting classes. Based on the success of CIBO, we've recently released a new course, Children in Between: For Kids , which is specially designed to meet the needs of children aged and their parents. For parents experiencing divorce proceedings that are particularly challenging, we also offer our High Conflict Solutions parenting class. Based on our extensive research, we have developed highly effective methods for reducing the stress of divorce and separation for all parties. Experts have recognized our interactive, skills-based approach through court-approved parenting classes as being among the top programs offered today. coupon

Focus on Children is the court-authorized in-class parenting education program. The program is offered in both English and Spanish. You do not need a court order to attend Focus on Children.


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Distance learning Parenting Classes are ideal for those seeking to gain strategies and insights as a parent and create a co-parenting plan. ParentingChoice Parenting Classes are specifically designed to offer you as a parent the skills and interventions to successfully overcome adversity and accomplish parenting with a bold awareness of what is best for you and your children.

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