Original blue eyes white dragon card

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With prices reaching into the five figures, Blue-Eyes White Dragon is the most iconic card in Yu-Gi-Oh - and one of the most expensive. If you had to boil it down, Yu-Gi-Oh's really all about giant monsters. And in a game filled with iconic monster cards - each of them tied to equally iconic characters - no monster's ever been a bigger icon than Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Dark Magician? Exodia the Forbidden One?

Original blue eyes white dragon card


Deck Search.


But how many Blue Eyes White Dragon cards are there? The trading card game has printed this card so many times that there are multiple pieces of Blue Eyes White Dragon artwork showcased in the trading game across expansion sets. It has worked tirelessly, appearing in several booster sets and subsequent reprints. Ironically, it became one of the most common Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG set released in March Since then, the set has been reprinted several times. And among them, only nine are perfect mints. There are many things to love about Starter Decks. For one, these pre-constructed decks are perfect for beginners. Starters are also usually themed based on Yu-Gi-Oh!

Original blue eyes white dragon card

Here is a look at the most expensive Blue-Eyes White Dragon cards. It's also arguably the game's most iconic card, with Blue-eyes White Dragon being introduced in the original Yu-Gi-Oh! Over the years, several versions and reprints of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon card have been released, with different artwork and designs. The original version looks like a standard trading card, while later versions include holographic foiling and other premium effects. But if there is one thing they all share beyond the character, it's that almost all Blue-Eyes White Dragon cards are collector favorites. With more than 50 different English-language cards alone, there are plenty options for collectors to choose from. Naturally, with so many options available, some will be more in demand — and sell for higher prices — than others.

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Well, how about the OG Blue-Eyes itself. The set has a lot of little details you won't find elsewhere: the art box doesn't have the usual grey border, the flavor text of the Normal Monsters isn't printed in italics, and so on. Go to the Card Details page after logging in to add more cards to your lists. Back on the classic side of things, Retro Pack 1 was an under-printed and under-supplied reprint set, loaded with lots of old school hits. Card info will be available starting from its release date. Sort by DEF Desc. Duking it out with the GFP2 Ghost Rare at practically the same price, the Secret Pharaoh's Rare print from is an uber-clean version of the original Legend of Blue-Eyes artwork, exploding with color and unique for its Pharaoh's Rare holographic foil. Especially if you kept your cards in good condition. Good luck in your search! The ranking is calculated based on newly created Decks and Decks used in tournaments.

This is an official site for the Yu-Gi-Oh!

How to Play. Sort by Pendulum Scale Asc. But fast-forward to now? SR Super Rare. Lots of people bought packs, stripped out the doggos, and then chucked the other cards into bulk. Excluded Items? If you want to collect Blue-Eyes White Dragon cards there are lots of great places to start, even if you're on a budget. GSE Gold Secret. There's not a lot of these cards to go around, and it's one of my top picks for investment-worthy buys in modern Yu-Gi-Oh. And that's great, but that's not why we're here. With prices reaching into the five figures, Blue-Eyes White Dragon is the most iconic card in Yu-Gi-Oh - and one of the most expensive. R Rare. With over 50 different printings in English alone, in almost every rarity you can imagine, there are countless versions of Blue-Eyes White Dragon to collect. Sort by Release Date Asc.

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