Orula orisha

Orula, also orula orisha as Orunla or Orunmila, is the Orisha of divination and wisdom within the Yoruba religion. He is the supreme oracle and master spiritualist who sees all and knows all, orula orisha. Olofi, one of the three manifestations of the Supreme God, gave Orula the gift of prophecy.

Following the categories developed by the Nigerian scholar Peju Yemaje, Orunmila is recognized as a primordial Orisha, an ara orun , one that existed before the creation of humanity and resides in Heaven, as opposed to irun-male or irunmole , sacred beings living on Earth. Orunmila is considered a sage , recognizing that Olodumare placed Ori intuitive knowledge in him as a prime Orisha. It is Ori who can intercede and affect the reality of a person much more than any other Orisha. Awo in every tradition study the Odu; each Odu is traditionally considered to include stories and prayers that have been passed down from the time that Orunmila walked the Earth as a prophet. Some initiatory lineages have only male priests of Orunmila, while other lineages include female priestesses. The term " Awo ", meaning "secret" is a gender-neutral title for an initiated priest of Orunmila. In Latin America and some areas of West Africa , only men may become full priests of Orunmila, while in other regions of West Africa the priesthood is open to women.

Orula orisha


That way, both babies could be safe from Orula orisha rage. The god of plants and remedies, this great healer watches over humans, animals, and all other living things. It is he who knows the best roads for humans to achieve happiness, success, orula orisha, and prosperity.


They are common to all Yoruban faiths, although they are not always considered to be the same deities. In all of these traditions, the Loas have many aspects which are often quite diverse. Following is a list of the Seven African Powers, their associated saints, and their attributes as I have learned them. Orula also known as Orunmila, is the orisha of divination through the oracle of Ifa. It is said that when Olodumare created the world, Orula was present as a witness. For this reason, he is considered the first prophet of Olodumare. Orunmila was sent by Olodumare to control the births, mortality, growth and development of human beings and other species.

Orula orisha

He is the witness of creation and is the most beloved prophet of Olodumare, who endowed him with words of great power. Orunmila is the Orisa of divination and wisdom. Orunmila Orula is represented by the 16 ikin or seeds of the holy palm. There some people hated him and being offended by one of his eight children, he decided to leave the town. Not long after, the inhabitants of Apa began to suffer all kinds of calamities and sent the children of Orunmila to look for him, to return and help them. When they found Orunmila under the palm tree, he told them that he had already finished his mission on earth but gave them 16 seeds of the holy palm saying that in order to have all the good things in life, they should ask the Babalawo. It is the day that the offerings are made to Orunmila.

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Francis of Assisi , whose feast day on October 4th is also Orula's feast day. He knows what the future holds for us and he can guide us on the right path if we listen to his foresight. Orula bore witness as Olofi created the earth and the Orishas. Mazo de Orula. Ibadan: Evans Bros. Unlike Santeros and Santeras, Babalawos use either an Opele , a divination chain also called an Ekuele , or kola nuts, also known as Obi , and a wooden divining board covered in cascarilla eggshell powder. SAGE Publications. Yemaya and Orula: Connecting to the Future Orula and Yemaya 's relationship is rooted in their shared knowledge and understanding of the future. Orula holds a special place among the Seven African Powers , a group of powerful deities revered in Afro-Caribbean religions. Cascarilla is spread on the divining board and the babalawo arranges his sacred signs on the board.

The orishas are the gods of Santeria , the beings that believers interact with on a regular basis. The number of orishas varies among believers. In the original African belief system from which Santeria originates, there are hundreds of orishas.

When Shango was born, Elegua stole him and asked his older sister to raise him instead. Orula is present before every birth — he is the one who witnesses the way a spirit influences its destiny before being born. Whatever change you seek to make in your life, you are capable of making. One of Orula's primary symbols is the divination board, which he uses to communicate with his followers through his babalawos. In Latin America and some areas of West Africa , only men may become full priests of Orunmila, while in other regions of West Africa the priesthood is open to women. Cascarilla is spread on the divining board and the babalawo arranges his sacred signs on the board. The colors associated with both Orishas, green and yellow for Orula and red and white for Shango, represent their harmony and balance. He witnesses the life of every living thing, from before they are born until the day they die. He knows what the future holds for us and he can guide us on the right path if we listen to his foresight. John the Baptist and St. Hidden categories: Articles with short description Short description is different from Wikidata Pages using infobox deity with color param Articles containing Yoruba-language text. Orula represents wisdom and the ability of man to influence his own destiny.

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