osama bin ladens wives

Osama bin ladens wives

Can they escape his legacy? O n the corner couch of a spacious room, a woman wearing a brightly patterned robe sits expectantly. The red hijab that covers her hair is reflected in a glass-fronted cabinet; inside, a framed photograph of her firstborn son takes pride of place between family heirlooms and valuables, osama bin ladens wives.

Navy SEALs in an apparent desperate last ditch effort to protect Osama bin Laden has been identified as bin Laden's youngest wife, a woman nearly half his age. The woman, identified by a passport found inside the al Qaeda leader's compound as year-old Amal Ahmed Abdul Fatah, was in the room when the SEALs took the final, fateful shots at year-old Osama bin Laden and was herself shot in the leg when she rushed, unarmed, at the special operators. She was treated for her wounds and is in custody in Pakistan, officials said. A senior U. The official characterized that as a stalling tactic. Asked about the U.

Osama bin ladens wives

The ISI wants to draw attention away from its own possible complicity in hiding bin Laden and toward other issues. High-value target No. Three of his wives, eight of his children, and five of his grandchildren were with him. The ISI has debriefed them all, and now it has allowed a retired Army officer access to the interrogation reports and to the hideout itself. Since the current director general of ISI, Lt. Amal was with bin Laden almost all of the rest of his life and was probably his favorite. In he settled into a house in Haripur only 20 miles from the capital before moving to the Abbottabad hideout in So he was in Pakistan for almost 10 years, mostly in settled urban centers, not caves in the remote tribal boondocks. Amal also claims he had a kidney transplant in The story is vague as to where the operation took place, some accounts say Karachi, others suggest outside of Pakistan. So he was in a hospital somewhere in Pakistan or traveling abroad right when the ISI was supposed to be hot on the chase. After a decade of house arrest, the Iranians let the al Qaeda exiles go in late under mysterious circumstances. Their release may have been an exchange for an Iranian diplomat al Qaeda had kidnapped or it may have been part of a gradual rapprochement between Tehran and al Qaeda or both. Apparently, the two ladies did not get along.

The Iraqi invasion of Kuwait under Saddam Hussein on 2 Augustput the Saudi kingdom and the royal family at risk, osama bin ladens wives. Urban Terrorism : Myths And Realities. Why would he throw it all away like that?

He is most widely known as the mastermind of the September 11 attacks in the United States. Osama was born in Riyadh to the aristocratic bin Laden family. He studied at local universities until , when he joined the Afghan mujahidin against the Soviet Union in the wake of the Afghan—Soviet War. In , he co-founded Maktab al-Khidamat which recruited foreign mujahidin into the war. He founded al-Qaeda in for worldwide jihad. In the Gulf War — , Bin Laden's offer for support against Iraq was rebuked by the Saudi royal family , which instead sought American aid. Bin Laden's views on pan-Islamism and anti-Americanism resulted in his expulsion from Saudi Arabia in

There is a picture of Osama bin Laden as a year-old teenager sitting on the boot of a car alongside more than 20 of his half-brothers and sisters. The photo was taken during a family holiday to Sweden in and shows how the man who went on to found al-Qa'ida spent at least some of his teens as a lanky, awkward-looking adolescent in brown flares surrounded by an enormous extended family. Click HERE to view graphic 92k jpg. As the West's public enemy No 1 for nearly a decade, the Osama bin Laden most of us have come to know was an uncompromising, merciless blood-letter. A man whose hatred of the kuffar unbelievers was so intense that he could justify killing thousands of non-combatants and many more adherents of his own faith in pursuit of his political goals. But Bin Laden was also a family man.

Osama bin ladens wives

The ISI wants to draw attention away from its own possible complicity in hiding bin Laden and toward other issues. High-value target No. Three of his wives, eight of his children, and five of his grandchildren were with him. The ISI has debriefed them all, and now it has allowed a retired Army officer access to the interrogation reports and to the hideout itself. Since the current director general of ISI, Lt. Amal was with bin Laden almost all of the rest of his life and was probably his favorite. In he settled into a house in Haripur only 20 miles from the capital before moving to the Abbottabad hideout in So he was in Pakistan for almost 10 years, mostly in settled urban centers, not caves in the remote tribal boondocks.

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The evidence against Bin Laden included courtroom testimony by former al-Qaeda members and satellite phone records, from a phone purchased for him by al-Qaeda procurement agent Ziyad Khaleel in the United States. Saad bin Laden spotted that the gate had been left open and, speaking fast in Arabic, he ordered his nephews and nieces to make a run for it. Retrieved October 19, A second man with Bosnian citizenship, Hamid Aich, lived in Canada at the same time as Atmani and worked for a charity associated with Osama bin Laden. No Arab leader had commanded such popular appeal since Gamal Abdel Nasser — in the s. They hurtled out toward the entrance, surprising the Quds force guards, who stood down, not wanting to fire on children. Bin Laden and al-Zawahiri organized an al-Qaeda congress on 24 June Saudi-born militant and founder of al-Qaeda — Then she swaddled the doll in a blanket as if it were a real baby, embraced her friend and set off. So did another charismatic Muslim Brotherhood member, Abdallah Azzam , an Islamic scholar from Palestine who was instrumental in building pan-Islamic enthusiasm for jihad against the Soviets in Afghanistan and in drawing Muslims like Osama from all over the Middle East to fight there. He really liked to study. Asked about the U.

What happened to his wives and children? No one would say why, only that their husband wanted to move them and his youngest children away from Kandahar. His older sons were to join their father and other brothers at an undisclosed location.

Bin Laden was opposed to music on religious grounds, [77] and his attitude towards technology was mixed. The Pakistan compound raided by U. Many of his labourers were the same fighters who had been his comrades in the war against the Soviet Union. Archived PDF from the original on 5 August By , Bin Laden was back in Afghanistan. But it shared borders with Pakistan and Afghanistan, and had had no diplomatic relations with the US since the revolution of Retrieved 14 May The Iraqi invasion of Kuwait under Saddam Hussein on 2 August , put the Saudi kingdom and the royal family at risk. Fulton County judge says Fani Willis disqualification ruling 'should be out tomorrow'. One baby was also dead; the other, a girl, was critically ill. From our morning news briefing to a weekly Good News Newsletter, get the best of The Week delivered directly to your inbox. Mar 14, PM. ABC News Live. Parameters : 85—

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