oswald homes

Oswald homes

Over the years, Oswald Homes has designed and built some of the most prominent luxury homes in Perth, oswald homes. Oswald Homes has been designing and building luxury homes since

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Oswald homes

We specialise in building a wide range of new homes, from entry level to high end architectural builds. With over 15 years of experience we can guarantee high standards and quality workmanship. We believe in open and transparent relationships with our clients. As a result, we work closely with you throughout the project to bring your vision to life. We pride ourselves on delivering an exceptional building experience and premium homes. The vast majority of our work is word of mouth and repeat clients which is testament to the client centric approach we bring to each and every build. We can highly recommend Greg and his team at Oswald homes. Completing a 5 bedroom, two storey home in eight months during Covid times was a true accomplishment for everyone involved. EMAIL admin oswaldhomes. We do take appointments outside of these hours and on weekends. We will also travel to meet with you. Expert family owned and operated residential builders in Waihi Beach hello paulownia. Book a consultation. A new standard for residential building.

View Design Collection View Style. Email Required. We are an air-conditioning business that deal with building companies on a daily oswald homes.


Over the years, Oswald Homes has designed and built some of the most prominent luxury homes in Perth. Oswald Homes has been designing and building luxury homes since We know you want a seamless building experience, working hand-in-hand with a designer, an interior designer and an experienced construction team to create a one-of-a-kind home that is as individual as it is timeless. We put our award-winning design expertise, fine craftsmanship and first-class customer service into every home we build. Ensuring that your building experience with us is as solid as the foundation on which your home is built. Taking inspiration from across the globe, our collection of luxury home designs range from French Provincial to classic Hamptons, and everything in between. Browse our collection of single and two-story home designs, or explore our editions to discover the key elements and subtleties that set us apart. View Our Collection. Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, the construction was completed well on time which is a remarkable.

Oswald homes

Palm trees bending and swaying. Tropical breezes blowing away the stifling humidity. The allure of a life lived under gently-spinning ceiling fans, entertaining guests while sipping refreshing home-made drinks to stay cool. The story of old Colonial Plantation homes is an imagined, romantic past from a bygone era, combined with the laidback sophistication and tropical luxury of hideaways in Hawaii and the Caribbean. These often-sprawling plantation homes offered effortless charm, with wide steps guiding you to the welcoming atmosphere of deep and accommodating verandahs. In addition to being known for generous hospitality, these spaces provided both respite from wild tropical storms, protection from harsh summer sun and a vantage point from which to survey the plantations. Inspired by the informal historical charm of plantation homes and welcoming coastal retreats, our Coastal Plantation editions are well-proportioned homes that sit comfortably and confidently in any streetscape. The homes are capped with a low, hipped roof in a dark, contrasting colour.

Solid core door slab

Email Required. We are glad you are pleased with our service and attention to detail and we look forward to working with you on upcoming projects. Phone Number Over the years, Oswald Homes has designed and built some of the most prominent luxury homes in Perth. Our passion for excellence in design and craftsmanship has led us to be involved in some of the most innovative homes in Western Australia. Book a consultation. Had a lot of fun designing and build our new home. It has been a pleasure working with you to create some truly wonderful homes and we look forward to incorporating your beautiful products into our designs in future. Website www. Constructive Media Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars. It has been an absolute pleasure working with you and we look forward to incorporating your beautiful products into our homes designs in future. Hamptons View Style.

Whether you already have a style in mind or are keen to explore the wealth of styles the world of architecture and building has to offer, our custom homes are each meticulously designed and detailed so that they suit their owners to a tee. Our custom plans reflect the way you want to live, while our understanding of context makes sure each unique Oswald home is perfectly at one with its environment. Your new Oswald home starts with a conversation; a getting-to-know-you consultation where we try to get an understanding of what you like, your budget, and what you want your ideal home to look and feel like.

August 31, We pride ourselves on delivering an exceptional building experience and premium homes. Commented: Could you tell me the paint colour for this house. We believe in open and transparent relationships with our clients. Phone Required. United Kingdom. Oswald Homes has been designing and building luxury homes since Our Awards. Send Message. Over the years, Oswald Homes has designed and built some of the most prominent luxury homes in Perth.

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