pausing tinder

Pausing tinder

Online dating has revolutionized the match-making scene.

Affiliate links on Android Authority may earn us a commission. Learn more. Tinder can be a fun way to start meeting new people. It can also be a hotbed of negativity under the wrong circumstances. This is how to delete your account or hide your profile on Tinder. Tap Delete Account. You can also choose to Pause My Account.

Pausing tinder


Open Tinder.


Online dating has revolutionized the match-making scene. And Tinder is at the forefront of making everyone meet their special someone online. It can be easy to decide, but there are still certain things to consider before pausing your Tinder account. Step 4: Choose a reason you can skip this step and tap on Delete My Account again. You can still delete your Tinder account permanently on your PC by following these steps:. Open Tinder. Your Account will be instantly deleted, and you can say goodbye to Tinder at least for now.

Pausing tinder

For the romantically unattached, the first few weeks of a new year are peak cuffing season. Cuffing, a pragmatic tradition in which single people try to find a temporary partner for the dark winter months, is also big business for dating apps. This year, the pandemic has added a dash of extra urgency.

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This is essentially like deleting your account, but none of your information, photos, or conversations will be deleted. Hit Pause My Account. Written By Anoop Varghese. Alternatively, you can hide your Tinder account. However, if you deleted the app for some other reason, we suggest you look at our picks for the best dating apps to find the one. You can still delete your Tinder account permanently on your PC by following these steps: Step 1: Open Tinder using the below link. Guides How-to's. Tap on Settings , which looks like a gear icon in the top-right corner. General technology. Cancel your Subscriptions: Tinder offers a wide range of subscriptions, and if you have taken any, cancel it before you pause or delete your Tinder account. Affiliate links on Android Authority may earn us a commission.


Step 4: Choose a reason you can skip this step and tap on Delete My Account again. Tap on Settings , which looks like a gear icon in the top-right corner. With this, you can temporarily delete Tinder. However, it does not affect our editorial integrity. Nobody new will be able to see your profile or know that you ever used Tinder. If you plan to pause or delete your Tinder account because you found your special person, congratulations! Yes, but only if you deleted your account recently. Step 3: Scroll down to the end of the page and choose Delete Account. Alternatively, you can hide your Tinder account. Once you delete your account, there is no way to recover it. Your Account will be instantly deleted, and you can say goodbye to Tinder at least for now.

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