Penny gadget
The show revolves around the adventures of a clumsy, penny gadget, dim-witted police officer from Metro City named Inspector Gadget—a cyborg human with various bionic gadgets built into his body—who is sent on missions to thwart plans by his nemesis Dr. Claw, the leader of an evil organization known as "M.
If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! She and Brain do most of the work because of Gadget's cluelessness and incompetence. Penny secretly helps her uncle Gadget with his missions, but it is Gadget who ends up getting all the credit in the end, which actually is beneficial because if Claw knew Penny was the real hero, she'd be in serious danger. She was voiced by Holly Berger in season 2. She was played by Michelle Tratchenberg in the first live-action film, and Caitlin Wachs in the second film.
Penny gadget
Penny is Inspector Gadget 's niece and one of the main protagonists of the franchise. Penny secretly helps out her Uncle Gadget with his missions and does all the work, but she lets him get all the credit in the end. Penny secretly does all the work during Inspector Gadget 's missions, despite him always taking all the credit afterwards. She usually uses her computer book and video watch to help her solve the cases. It is not stated where Penny got them or why she has them in the first place, but given Penny's super intelligence, she probably built it herself. She joined her uncle to the North Pole to save Christmas from Dr. While Gadget was oblivious to the fact that Santa Claus was trapped in an ice cave, Penny did all the work and stopped the toys. In the first movie, she doesn't have much of a role, but she is the one who convinces Sykes to turn against Dr. Claw and clears her uncle's name. However, at the end of the film, she is awarded a medal by Gadget for being a junior detective.
Mark Mitchell portrays him penny gadget the sequel. Archived from the original on January 9, Penny's age throughout the original animated series is 10 years old.
The franchise follows the adventures of a powerful but dimwitted cyborg police inspector named Gadget as he investigates the criminal schemes of Dr. Claw and his organization, M. However, neither side is aware that it is Gadget's niece, Penny, and her dog, Brain, who are truly responsible for thwarting M. The protagonist and titular character of the franchise, initially voiced by Don Adams. Gadget is a cyborg part man, part machine with thousands of high-tech gadgets installed in his body, which he activates with the phrase "go-go gadget" before naming the device. Gadget is powerful, lovable, caring and protective, and loyal to his career as a lawman, but he is also dim-witted, silly, clueless, incompetent and gullible.
Penny is Inspector Gadget 's brilliant niece who often helped him in his cases, sometimes against his will. She was portrayed by Michelle Trachtenberg in the first film and Caitlin Wachs in the sequel. She served as the secondary heroine in the two films, behind Brenda Bradford first and G2 second. Penny is first seen waking up her uncle who at the time is called John Brown with Brain who licks him in his sleep from a police hero dream and reminds him that tomorrow is Career Day at school. She asks about the letter concerning his application to become a full rank police officer, she looks at it and he tells her that two-year experience is not enough to be a cop. Brown is concerned that being a security guard is not the best job due to all the brilliant jobs her classmates' parents have and thinks he can do more as a real police officer. Penny assures him that she is proud of him no matter what job he has.
Penny gadget
Outfitted with high-tech gizmos, a bumbling inspector clashes with the fiendish Dr Claw. Although his enthusiasm for the law never fails, Gadget's gadgets often do. Luckily, Gadget is backed Read all Outfitted with high-tech gizmos, a bumbling inspector clashes with the fiendish Dr Claw. Luckily, Gadget is backed by his clever niece Penny and her faithful dog. Claw : I'll get you next time, Gadget.
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Factory acquired the rights to the series and subsequently released Inspector Gadget: The Original Series , a four-disc set featuring the first 22 episodes of the series on DVD on April 25, This article is about the franchise. Don't have an account? She was played by Michelle Tratchenberg in the first live-action film, and Caitlin Wachs in the second film. He is unaware that Penny did all the work, even though she always calls him. Penny has shoulder-length blonde hair worn in 2 pigtails. Her pigtails are also straight up. For the series, the voice of Gadget is provided by Ivan Sherry. Current Wiki. Gadget loves his family more than anything and would do anything to keep them from harm, especially Penny. Ironically, Dr. Retrieved January 7,
Penny is Inspector Gadget 's niece and one of the main protagonists of the franchise. Penny secretly helps out her Uncle Gadget with his missions and does all the work, but she lets him get all the credit in the end.
Tony Martin subsequently took over the role of Dr. He is the leader of an evil crime syndicate called M. Season Episodes Originally aired First aired Last aired Pilot December 4, 1 65 September 5, December 2, 2 21 September 30, November 13, Retrieved September 10, Penny secretly helps out her Uncle Gadget with his missions and does all the work, but she lets him get all the credit in the end. But the loveable, bumbling, accidentally-destructive Inspector is not alone in the fight to take down MAD. Claw , the leader of an evil organization, known as "M. Criminals, beware! She now uses a laptop instead of a computer book. Tara Strong voices her in the series. Nelvana writer Peter Sauder was the head writer for season 1, which was co-produced by DiC.
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