people born on october 28

People born on october 28

Joaquin Phoenix and Gwendoline Christie celebrate birthdays on October 28th. Birthday wishes go out to Joaquin Phoenix, Gwendoline Christie and all the other celebrities with birthdays today.

Quotes : Bill Gates. Quotes : Julia Roberts. Author Profession: Italian musician and singer-songwriter. Born: Author Profession: US director, designer, programmer. Author Profession: US microbiologist He discovered and developed one of the first successful polio vaccines.

People born on october 28

National Today. From an aspiring football player to a rising actor, his career continues to thrive! Charlie Daniels is one of the most accomplished musicians and songwriters to have ever lived. From flight attendant to reality show star! This star was named Woman of the Year for her efforts to raise transgender awareness. He is not only a phenomenal star hairstylist but also a social media personality and entrepreneur. Technology magnate and entrepreneur — he's one of the most famous technology personalities in the world. Lucy Bronze has represented England at all levels, from under up to the national team. We cheer this skilled gamer who has tasted success in both the Roblox and Minecraft platforms! The world wouldn't be nearly as hilarious without this comedian, actress, and television host. This country singer and songwriter continues to impress with her powerful performances and soul-touching music.

Actor True Detective. Quotes : Frank Ocean. He has been married to Laura Bauer since May 12,

Actor Walk the Line. His parents, from the continental United States, were then serving as Children of God missionaries. His mother is from a Jewish family from New Director Screen Two. Liverpool native Alan Clarke got his start in the film business in Canada, where he studied acting and directing. He worked mostly in television, but he made a couple of feature films that got attention for their

Matt Smith and Frank Ocean celebrate birthdays on October 28th. Top celebrity birthdays on October 28, Birthday wishes go out to Matt Smith, Frank Ocean and all the other celebrities with birthdays today. Check out our slideshow below to see photos of famous people turning a year older on October 28th and learn an interesting fact about each of them. Actor Dennis Franz turns Actress Annie Potts turns Comedian Andy Richter turns Roberts turns 54 on Oct. Actress Julia Roberts turns Terrill AP.

People born on october 28

VivziePop, 31 October 28, Aaron Garcia, 53 October 28, Aaron Harrison, 29 October 28, Preston Million, 32 October 28, Hoodrich Pablo Juan, 34 October 28, Clair Rachel Howell, 27 October 28,

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Want to see more celebrity birthdays as well as additional fun facts posts? His parents divorced when he was four. Lenny Wilkens, former Cavaliers coach October Birthdays. Her father was my paternal figure. Her parents divorced and she was raised by a single mother. Actor The French Connection. Chief Bell is first cousin to acclaimed actor Samuel L. Stepfather Jerry Guarini is a retired Navy physicist. In he wrote, directed, and produced his first feature film, Actress Annie Potts turns

Being a Scorpio born on October 28th, you seem to find different connections with people and information and will use your intuition to get to the best outcomes. You are sensual and convincing but also not willing to accept when you have made a mistake. Will read your partner like an open book but will also be very flexible in terms of what behaviours you accept of them.

George 'Buck' Flower Actor Back to the Future There aren't many actors who can claim that they appeared in everything from innocuous family features to sexy soft-core smut to popular television programs to various horror, science fiction, and exploitation movies as well as worked behind-the-scenes on a slew of films in assorted production Sign In. Soundtrack Safe House. Scorpios born on October 28 need to exert authority over others, which can result in continuous power struggles. Actress Ghostbusters. Actor Flash Gordon. Actor Back to the Future. After apprenticing in provincial theatre this commanding, actor appeared in two contrasting war films in - The Charge of the Light Brigade and Carry On up the Khyber Actor Joan Plowright is He has been married to Elena Alcorta since November 23,

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