peoples funeral home obituaries shallotte nc

Peoples funeral home obituaries shallotte nc

West Shallotte, NC Tel :

Ethel Godwin Whiteville, NC. Gloria George Whiteville, NC. Elsie Alston Hallsboro, NC. Gary Nichols Whiteville, NC. Annette Beard Norfolk, VA. Annie Clarida Nakina, NC. Alice Daniels Piscataway, NJ.

Peoples funeral home obituaries shallotte nc

We are always interested in hearing from the families that we serve. Please take a moment to let us know how well we served you in your time of need. We very much appreciate your feedback. Click to enter your testimonial. Peoples Funeral Home is the realization of the dream of John W. Founded October 1, in Whiteville, North Carolina to serve the citizens of Columbus, Bladen, and Brunswick counties, it has grown to serve families in various outlying communities and cities across the United States. In the company became incorporated as Peoples Funeral Home, Inc. To show appreciation to its many patrons, Peoples Funeral Home, under the leadership of Arthalia Bennett Spaulding, acquired its present location at Vinson Boulevard in Whiteville, North Carolina on September 12, Rising to the challenge, under the capable management of Wyoming Wicker, the staff pulled together and continued the great tradition begun by the Bennetts. The unexpected death of Wyoming Wicker on April 13, , put the company at an even greater challenge.

You can unsubscribe at any time. Mary A Savino Mar 4, Ms. Mar 5, Mr.

West Shallotte, NC Tel : Fax : Search Obituaries. Preston Hardy, Jr. Arrangements are incomplete at this time. Mary A.

Search by Name. Get notified when a new obituary is added. Sort By:. High Schools. Funeral Homes. Saturday, March 16, Friday, March 15, Thursday, March 14, Wednesday, March 13, Wednesday, March 6,

Peoples funeral home obituaries shallotte nc

West Shallotte, NC Tel : Fax : Search Obituaries. SW, Shallotte, NC Viewing will be held from PM Preston Hardy, Jr.

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You have been subscribed Your email address has successfully been added to our mailing list. In the company became incorporated as Peoples Funeral Home, Inc. The funeral will be PM Saturday, March 9, at West, Bolivia, NC Services Services. Orena M. A year of daily grief support. Directions Directions. Ethel Godwin Whiteville, NC. Gloria George Whiteville, NC. Push button for menu Push button for menu. Gary Nichols Whiteville, NC. Mary A. Burial will be in the Mitchell Field Cemetery.

West Shallotte, NC Tel : Fax :

Christopher Eric Grissett Nov 18, Mr. SE, Bolivia, NC The funeral will be PM Thursday, February 22, at Viewing will be SW, Shallotte, NC Funeral services will be held on Sunday, October 8, , Viewing will be at the We help you honor your loved one in a way that is unique to them and meaningful to you. Peoples Funeral Home is the realization of the dream of John W. How We Can Help. Surviving are her husband, Willie Ray Grief Support. Viewing will be at Peoples Funeral Chapel Friday from to PM and at the church Saturday 30 minutes prior to and following the Burial will be in the New Zion Plain Cemetery. Oct 22, Mr.

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