perseus greek dictionary

Perseus greek dictionary

Classical Mythology. Sam Worthington brought a new machismo to the role of Perseusonce played with androgynous flare by Harry Hamlin.

In my last post I covered tips and tricks for getting through upper-level Greek and Latin courses. Perseus can be a great tool to help you get through your texts, but here are a few caveats before you dive right in and click on words willy-nilly. I think that most instructors would agree that relying too much on Perseus to do the work for you can harm your language skills. These words of caution aside, Perseus itself is a great tool. In a previous post, I mentioned the huge number of texts available on the Perseus Project. I should stress again that you should 1 make sure that the text on Perseus matches the text used in your course and 2 follow your course text in the event of discrepancies. Once the text is loaded, all of the words in the passage are hyperlinks.

Perseus greek dictionary

Update May 21, The old server has now been unplugged. Rest in peace, emile. Please use the PhiloLogic4 links below. If you have been a contributor to the project, do get in touch if you'd like advanced access to old features: Leave a note in the problem reports to this effect and don't forget to give an email address. Update May 14, We did say up above, "Final Season", didn't we? No kidding. Our trusty server will be taken offline in short order. Abbreviations in first volume Similarly, a first attempt at Lewis and Short in Philo4. For Lewis and Short, open the abbreviations separately. For some monumental grammars, the Monographs. Many classic commentaries ; search for classical author names in the title field. And where are the primary texts, you ask? Greek Texts are right here. Latin Texts are here. That's it, friends.

We think that this corpus holds great promise both for research and for teaching. Adrados and J. Succeeded by Megapenthes.

He was, alongside Cadmus and Bellerophon , the greatest Greek hero and slayer of monsters before the days of Heracles. Because of the obscurity of the name "Perseus" and the legendary character of its bearer, most etymologists presume that it might be pre-Greek; however, the name of Perseus's native city was Greek and so were the names of his wife and relatives. There is some idea that it descended into Greek from the Proto-Indo-European language. Pers-eus therefore is a "sacker [of cities]"; [3] that is, a soldier by occupation, a fitting name for the first Mycenaean warrior. The further origin of perth- is more obscure.

Update May 21, The old server has now been unplugged. Rest in peace, emile. Please use the PhiloLogic4 links below. If you have been a contributor to the project, do get in touch if you'd like advanced access to old features: Leave a note in the problem reports to this effect and don't forget to give an email address. Update May 14, We did say up above, "Final Season", didn't we? No kidding.

Perseus greek dictionary

Orthography: Full diacritics No diacritics Transliteration. Your query: Type in any combination of criteria to formulate a new search. As you type in search fields, you will see a summary appear right here. To see a full list of available texts, leave all fields blank and hit 'Search the Texts'. To go directly to a particular text or passage, you can enter a citation in the 'Citation Lookup' box above. Philologic Information and Help Welcome to Philologic. Here are some tips to make your visit more productive: Morphology and Lemmatization : You can now search by morphological characteristics and by lemmatized form. Do this with the formula pos: or lemma: E.

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The exchange might well have proved a creative solution to a difficult problem. If you are looking for the primary texts and translations, click Greek or Latin at the top of this page. Volume two is an alphabetically organized index of all the Greek words treated in volume one plus an index of English words used in the definitions, enabling the work to be used to a limited extent as an English-Greek lexicon as well as Greek-English. If you want longer pieces you can change the size of the chunks -- just look about half way down the left hand column. Now that we've been around for well over a decade, and with good alternatives out there for reading texts, such as the beautiful new Scaife Viewer , we are going back to our roots, you might say. The replacement of Bellerophon as the tamer and rider of Pegasus by the more familiar culture hero Perseus was not simply an error of painters and poets of the Renaissance. In all other browsers we have tested, a click on a Greek or Latin word should result in a new window with parse information and links to dictionaries. If you see something awry, please let us know. Cambridge University Press. It is unlikely, however, that Apollodorus knew who walled in Mycenae; he was only conjecturing. Seriphus , then Argos. New Series. All of these digital versions are available free of charge. These groupings are called semantic domains. Philo of Byblos wrote, among his many works, a dictionary of Greek synonyms.

All Search Options [ view abbreviations ]. We have now completed work on Beyond Translation a draft white paper on this work that has been submitted to the NEH Office of Digital Humanities is available here and are focused on using the Beyond Translation work as part of an update to the Scaife Viewer.

It is also important to consult the entry to see if that particular word has any special properties For example it could be a verb that takes an oblique case, or a preposition that takes multiple cases and has multiple meanings depending on the case that follows it. He was, alongside Cadmus and Bellerophon , the greatest Greek hero and slayer of monsters before the days of Heracles. Update May 14, We did say up above, "Final Season", didn't we? The quality of the entries varies significantly. Lives of the Necromancers. Already have a WordPress. There is also a cluster of galaxies called the Perseus cluster. As Perseus was flying in his return above the sands of Libya , according to Apollonius of Rhodes , [16] the falling drops of Medusa's blood created a race of toxic serpents, one of whom was to kill the Argonaut Mopsus. If you are looking for the primary texts and translations, click Greek or Latin at the top of this page. It was cataloged in the 2nd century by the Greek astronomer Ptolemy and is known for the famous Perseid Meteor Shower. The Greek and Latin texts are richly encoded for content rather than form e. Perseus took up official residence in Mycenae with Andromeda where he had a long, successful reign as king. His constellation contains the most famous variable star Algol and some deep sky objects such as Messier 34, the Double Cluster, the California Nebula, and the Little Dumbbell Nebula Messier This is in no way meant to be a criticism of the project. If you are a current undergrad, come find me!

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