Peter pettigrew
Peter Pettigrewpeter pettigrew, almost always referred to by his nickname "Wormtail", was peter pettigrew friend of James Potter at Hogwarts. Unpopular, meek, and magically mediocre, he ingratiated himself with James, Sirius Blackand Remus Lupin as a means to enhance and protect himself.
As such, spoilers will be present within the article. Peter Pettigrew , O. First Class , [11] c. After Voldemort's fall , he faked his own death and framed Sirius for betraying James and Lily, as well as for his own murder and those of the twelve Muggles he killed during his escape. Peter spent twelve years living in his Animagus form as the Weasley family 's pet rat, Scabbers. Pettigrew played a key role in Voldemort's rebirth and continued to serve him during the Second Wizarding War.
Peter pettigrew
Never quite in their league, talent-wise. I was often rather sharp with him Stupid boy Foolish boy.. He was always hopeless at dueling You would not be here if you had anywhere else to go. He was not as skilled a wizard as his friends, and seemed to hang out with them largely because he idolized them PA Peter was a person who was easily influenced by those around him, allying himself with whomever was the strongest. Once he was out of school, Pettigrew became an easy target for the Dark Lord as he searched for a way to strike at James and Lily. Peter was coerced into becoming a spy for Voldemort.
In the summer ofPettigrew was staying at Malfoy Manorthe headquarters of the Death Eaterspeter pettigrew, and acted as jailer for those imprisoned there. I revolt you.
He began attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in and was sorted into Gryffindor house. After Voldemort's fall, he faked his own death and framed Sirius for betraying James and Lily, as well as for his own murder and those of the twelve muggles he killed during his escape. Peter spent twelve years living in his Animagus form as the Weasley family 's pet rat, Scabbers. Pettigrew is the most handsome in harry potter series who played a key role in Voldemort's rebirth and continued to serve him during the Second Wizarding War. In the spring of , during the Skirmish at Malfoy Manor , in a moment of rare mercy, he hesitated to strangle Harry Potter when Harry reminded him of his life debt. Peter was born around
Every fantasy series has a groveling worm of a character. When watching or reading, its the character that all fans love to hate. These power-hungry weaklings give the bad guys a worse name than some of the more evil characters. This traitorous coward made life a living hell for the people he was supposed to care for most. There is a lot to learn though about this crony of Lord Voldemort. The name Peter is biblical in nature, referring to the apostle of the same name. This connection makes a lot of sense in regards to Pettigrew. On the morning of Christ's crucifixion, Peter denied him. Although he later repented, he still turned his back on his savior, like Peter Pettigrew's actions of turning his back to the side of light. Peter isn't his only name though.
Peter pettigrew
Peter Pettigrew , almost always referred to by his nickname "Wormtail", was a friend of James Potter at Hogwarts. Unpopular, meek, and magically mediocre, he ingratiated himself with James, Sirius Black , and Remus Lupin as a means to enhance and protect himself. At Hogwarts, the foursome became known as "The Marauders. Immediately following Lord Voldemort 's disappearance, Sirius Black was convicted without a trial and sentenced to life imprisonment in Azkaban prison for Pettigrew's supposed murder. While he appears in this book, his identity has not yet been revealed.
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The Death Eaters resented Pettigrew, because it was based on his information that Voldemort met his first downfall at Godric's Hollow. However, underestimating Pettigrew's weakness was everyone's greatest mistake; his lack of confidence and craving for power led him to become a follower of the mighty powerful Voldemort. Pettigrew Was Unimpressive. Thus, Pettigrew was in the Weasley family for twelve years, which was in Sirius's perspective a " curiously long life for a common garden rat. And while he is at the house in Spinner's End at the beginning of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince , where is he through the rest of that book? After framing Sirius Black for the crimes of betraying James and Lily Potter and murdering twelve Muggles, Pettigrew went into hiding in his Animagus form, and disguised himself as a rat named Scabbers. Peter eventually fully turned to the dark side later on. Peter isn't his only name though. Severus Snape , whom he used to bully and who bullied him in return. My devotion to Your Lordship — " — Pettigrew's weak and cowardly loyalty to Voldemort [src]. Peter was able to escape, but for his freedom he owed Harry a life debt that would later cost him his own life. What wand can Pettigrew use? We see him in the first chapter, in the Riddle house, where he is heard in conversation with Voldemort, and with the muggle Frank Bryce. While James, Sirius, and Remus considered Peter a true friend and would have willingly died for him, Peter proved that he lacked any similar conviction or sense of loyalty. From Wikibooks, open books for an open world.
He betrays their trust to Voldemort. He fakes his death by framing Sirius Black and kills twelve Muggles in the process. He lives in hiding in Animagus form for nearly thirteen years being the pet rat of the Weasley family.
This, along with Harry's own belief that his father would not want his best friends to become killers, led him to be merciful. However, he learned the truth in , as well as the fact that Harry Potter had saved Pettigrew's life before he escaped capture; though Harry was distressed about being unable to prove Sirius' innocence, Dumbledore had the foresight to appreciate the significance of the Life debt Pettigrew now owed. Succeeded by: Jacob's sibling. Potter and Black transformed into large animals to keep Lupin in check, and eventually, they came to write the Marauder's Map and sign it with their nicknames. As such, spoilers will be present within the article. Ron attempting to turn Pettigrew into a wine goblet with the spell Vera Verto. His constant cowardice and selfishness leaves little room for sympathy from fans. Highlights Wormtail's death was an important scene in the Harry Potter books, providing closure to his character arc and showcasing Harry's choice to show mercy. Eyes : small, watery PA It was clear Scabbers was an extraordinary rat; he was unusually old for a rat of his species, which had a life expectancy of three years, yet the Weasley family owned him for twelve. When they discovered that a member of their group, Remus Lupin , was a werewolf , they illegally became Animagi so as to be able to accompany Remus while he was in his transformed state, rather than shun him as many would have. Peter was born around My old friends However, Hermione's cat Crookshanks immediately recognised the rat for who he was and constantly attempted to catch him; this misunderstanding furthered Ron's protective nature over Scabbers.
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