phil trans r soc a impact factor

Phil trans r soc a impact factor

It is established for the publication of original high quality papers from multidisciplinary Engineering sciences with the following topics preferred:. Aby subskrybować czasopismo musisz wyrazić zgodę na przetwarzanie danych osobowych. Na Twój adres mailowy została wysłana wiadomość. Sprawdź swoją skrzynkę pocztową i potwierdź subskrybcje czasopisma.

Yersinia pestis caused plagues and haunted Gdańsk several times during the 15th and 16th centuries. To assess genetic effects of the plague, measures of the opportunity for natural selection were considered. Skeletal remains of people from the 15th — 16th century ossuary from the Dominican Monastery in Gdańsk provided research material. Yersinia pestis DNA in this skeletal material has already been found Morozowa et al. Distributions of the deceased by age in the study sample were compared with those for Gdańsk before the plague and with those for the mass burial of plague victims in the 14th century Lübeck. Neither catastrophic mortality was found in the material studied, nor selective nature of the plague with regard to sex and age had been demonstrated. There was a deterioration in the values of life tables parameters, especially life expectancy.

Phil trans r soc a impact factor

Head of the unit:. Katarzyna Szymańska-Dębowska. Potential supervisors:. Jacek Banasiak. Marek Galewski. Wojciech Kryszewski. Urszula Ledzewicz. Contact person:. Scope of activities:. Main areas of interest and directions of scientific research: differential equations, topological methods, nonlinear analysis, dynamical systems, applications of differential equations. Present activities:. Our research concerns the broadly understood theory of evolutionary processes occurring in exact and natural sciences.

Macko, K. Dr hab. Macko, J.


As it has done for the last years however, Philosophical Transactions A has continued to publish high quality content across the physical sciences. Not only is this issue our most cited issue to be published in with citations , but it is also our most accessed issue, with 70, downloads so far! Published around the time of the COP26 conference in Glasgow, this timely issue explores the rise of harmful methane in our atmosphere. The three top-scoring papers in question focus on methane removal , how this can reduce surface temperature and ozone , and how riparian Amazon trees act as a significant methane source. Although we would love to mention every issue, we can of course only provide you with a taster of the articles published in Commissioning Editor. We promote excellence in science so that, together, we can benefit humanity and tackle the biggest challenges of our time. Subscribe to our newsletters to be updated with the latest news on innovation, events, articles and reports. What subscription are you interested in receiving? Choose at least one subject.

Phil trans r soc a impact factor

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society is a scientific journal published by the Royal Society. In its earliest days, it was a private venture of the Royal Society's secretary. In the journal expanded and divided into two separate publications, one serving the physical sciences Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences and the other focusing on the life sciences Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. Both journals now publish themed issues and issues resulting from papers presented at the scientific meetings of the Royal Society. The first issue, published in London on 6 March , [5] was edited and published by the Royal Society 's first secretary, Henry Oldenburg , four-and-a-half years after the society was founded. Oldenburg published the journal at his own personal expense and seems to have entered into an agreement with the society's council allowing him to keep any resulting profits.

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Castaings, and C. Lenarczyk and R. Lewandowski, and W. Piatetsky-Shapiro, and P. Yaradoddi et al. Schmidt, and M. Plague mortality rates by age and sex in the parish of St. Mikołajewski, P. NatureWorks catalogue [Online]. In: E Kizik, editor. Talberg and T. Paris: De Boccard, — Puch, Head size and intelligence: relationships within Homo sapiens species , Anthropological Review: Vol.

It publishes original research and review content in a wide range of physical scientific disciplines.

Hum Biol — Tanaka, and T. Barański, and M. Ossuaria w kontekście badań archeologicznych Kępy Dominikańskiej. Wiarygodność oszacowania dalszego przeciętnego trwania życia w badaniach antropologicznych. Theory , 23—26 Mourtzis, G. Yi, and W. Hassan, and M. Kurvinen, J. Galetto, and F.

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