philippines whale shark oslob

Philippines whale shark oslob

W tym poście zabiorę Was do Philippines whale shark oslob, na Filipinach — popływać z rekinami wielorybimi! Before we went on a cruise form El Nido to Coron and to Siquijor — a black magic island. This time I will take you to Oslob, on Cebu island.

Post a Comment. Well so the time has come. I was waiting for it for some time to swim with these incredible creatures. I signed myself for the morning one starting 6 o'clock in the morning and it was worth it. First you need to register yourself, then there is a briefing and then you are ready to go.

Philippines whale shark oslob


Well I had a lunch and went the third time - this time I have left my camera to the boat man and just swim undistributed with the sharks.


It is the largest fish in the world. And the Philippines are becoming known for their whale sharks. It is one of the few places in the world in which you can be nearly guaranteed to see these mystical goliaths. The Philippines is so proud of its association with the whale sharks, you can find it predominantly displayed on the back of its peso bill. Having been traveling around the world for a few years, we had been searching for whale sharks throughout our entire journey and we failed. In Thailand and Malaysia, where occasional whale shark sitings are known to occur, we did not have luck on our sides.

Philippines whale shark oslob

Swimming with whale sharks in Oslob is one of the most sought after experiences in Cebu. Oslob is a tiny village on the eastern coast of the Cebu island in the Philippines. Whale sharks, the largest fish in the ocean, are nomadic animals known to travel thousands of miles in mere months migrating and followin food sources. Just off the coast Cebu, in the warm, crystal clear waters of the Phlippines, pods of whale sharks pass throuh regularly with clockwork like reliability. songs

Dopiero późnym popołudniem dotarliśmy na miejsce. Były przepiękne — miały błękitnawą skórę i białawe plamki. I was so scared that I started swimming away but it was very hard because they move really quickly. Leave a Comment Anuluj pisanie odpowiedzi. Do you know that whale sharks have the thickest skin of all animals? Pojechaliśmy tam obejrzeć rekiny wielorybie. Tym razem oddałem aparat łódkowemu i po prostu sobie z nimi pływałem a on robił fotki. You have 30 minutes to swim with them which is gone in no time. More Info OK. Wkrótce, zobaczyliśmy około 10 rekinów wielorybich wokół nas!!!

Explore Oslob in Cebu beyond the famous whale watching tours!

No comments:. Popłynęliśmy i wskoczyliśmy do wody, żeby posnorkelować. They told us that we cannot touch them and even go closer than 5 meters. Henna is a natural dye and people use it to make temporary tattoos. Soon, there were about 10 whale sharks around us!!! Leave a Comment Anuluj pisanie odpowiedzi. Whale sharks are about 12 meters long but the biggest ever seen was about 18 meters long!!! We went there, jumped into the water and started snorkeling. Zobaczcie jaki mega! Location: Oslob, Filipiny. Udało się nawet namówić go, żeby nam sprzedał swój rysunek, który namalował na jakiejś tekturze. You will not be spammed. So I was back swimming with the sharks this time trying to make some movies and get picture together with them but again I was call back to the boat - still not enough. Cookies help us deliver our services. Finally I did it, but I was really scared.

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