phone code 01632

Phone code 01632

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Phone code 01632

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This is a list of telephone dialling codes in the United Kingdom , which adopts an open telephone numbering plan for its public switched telephone network. The national telephone numbering plan is maintained by Ofcom , an independent regulator and competition authority for the UK communications industries. This list is based on the official standard, but includes defunct codes and historical changes, including the derivation of the two letter identities, in cases where known. When dialling within the country, all area codes are preceded by the national trunk prefix 0 , which has been included in all listings in this article. In the majority of areas, the area code still corresponds to the original STD letter code. When dialling from abroad, the 0 prefix is not dialled. When dialling within the same area, the area code is not needed, save for a handful of areas that do require this. For an explanation of the two-letter STD codes used below, see Introduction of area codes. In several area codes, a block of 1, numbers is set aside for use as fictional numbers for drama. The length of the area code part and the local number part is found as follows: [17].

Phone code 01632

Ofcom continues to receive requests for geographic numbers to be used for TV and radio drama programmes. Ofcom has therefore set out below a range of geographic telephone numbers that are recommended for TV and radio drama purposes numbers within each geographic area code. Ofcom has not selected a telephone number range for all geographic area codes, as it has to ensure that there is sufficient numbering capacity available to meet future requirements for 'real' telephony purposes. Telephone numbers recommended for drama purposes cannot be allocated to communications providers for their customers because of the potential influx of calls that customers might receive should their telephone numbers be shown in a drama. Ofcom suggests using numbers in the range no area code for any geographic area code not listed. The use of any telephone number in the ranges below does not imply that the number has been allocated.

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This is a list of dialling codes for telephones in the United Kingdom. Dialling codes are the basis for the national telephone numbering plan.

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