Phyla vell

Phyla-Vell was created when her brother Genis-Vell helped destroy and re-create the universe.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. Having quite a bit of history with the Guardians on the page, and being a member of the team for a time, her debut on-screen in the final chapter of the Guardians trilogy is very exciting as Marvel Studios closes the door on the original team that first came together thanks to the Power Stone. However, Phyla still has a future in the MCU timeline beyond this initial debut, since she becomes a member of the new Guardians of the Galaxy team. Phyla's name and full significance only become apparent after viewing the first Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. However, she does play a role in the film's third act as a member of the new species created by the High Evolutionary Chukwudi Iwuji , shown cheerily running on a circular treadmill before being saved alongside many others in the Guardians of The Galaxy Vol. Here's Phyla's comic history, her role in the new movie, and her potential future in the MCU going forward.

Phyla vell

After Genis-Vell , then known as Captain Marvel, destroyed and recreated the universe, [7] the "new" version was subtly altered. In this universe, Genis unconsciously created a better version of himself that was able to bring his mother Elysius back to life through an epic quest combining science and magic in unprecedented ways. Elysius was so impressed, she decided to repeat the process that had given life to Genis and create a daughter, Phyla. In time, Genis grew insane over his cosmic awareness, and Elysius told Phyla she was the new "Captain Marvel", telling her she had to face her brother. Phyla did as ordered, but their fight ended with the whole family stuck in the Nth-Space. This turned out to be a blessing, however, as Elysius was finally able to snap Genis out of his insanity and put him on a righteous path. To save Rick Jones ' girlfriend, Marlo Chandler , Genis had to travel to the future to see what would be the cause of her future demise. He asked Phyla to stay behind on Earth to keep watch over Marlo. In doing so, she encountered the being known as the Magus , who tried to kidnap Marlo. She and the telepath Moondragon foiled the plot, and Genis returned to Earth shortly after, telling her that he had also stopped the villain in the future. After this, Phylla invited Moondragon to defend the galaxy by her side, which Moondragon gladly accepted. During Annihilation , Phyla had been visiting her father's grave with Moondragon when the pair were attacked by Thanos who ripped off Moondragon's ear and gave it to Phyla, telling her to go to Drax the Destroyer and how his actions would determine Moondragon's fate, shortly before teleporting away with Moondragon.

Rick was going to give them to Phyla to get to Genis, phyla vell, but without the bands, he started turning intangible again. Where Phyla teleports in bringing Crystal as a hostage with them infuriating the already angry Star Lord even more.

Inicialmente, su origen estaba en conflicto con argumentos previamente establecidos, pero esto se resuelve en Captain Marvel volumen 4 18 febrero de Phyla tuvo su propia miniserie como el nuevo Quasar, que indica de julio a octubre de , llamada Annihilation: Conquest - Quasar. La historia es mucho acerca de que ella trata de manejar este poder y ver si puede contenerlo. El capullo se abre y Phyla y Moondragon le piden a Warlock que los ayude a luchar contra la Falange. Phyla-Vell tiene una fuerza sobrehumana, velocidad, agilidad, durabilidad y reflejos. Ella ha ganado nuevos poderes desconocidos al convertirse en el nuevo avatar de Oblivion.

The following contains spoilers for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. While the most prominent addition was of the cosmic powerhouse, Adam Warlock , there was a late-stage addition that was a complete surprise. But while it's expected that new characters would appear in Marvel Cinematic Universe projects, there's still a surprise in how they're introduced. In the case of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. In Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. These subjects could also survive with little sleep and food and, in the case of Phyla, carried cosmic abilities that made her a powerhouse and instant addition to the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Phyla vell

After Genis-Vell , then known as Captain Marvel, destroyed and recreated the universe, [7] the "new" version was subtly altered. In this universe, Genis unconsciously created a better version of himself that was able to bring his mother Elysius back to life through an epic quest combining science and magic in unprecedented ways. Elysius was so impressed, she decided to repeat the process that had given life to Genis and create a daughter, Phyla. In time, Genis grew insane over his cosmic awareness, and Elysius told Phyla she was the new "Captain Marvel", telling her she had to face her brother. Phyla did as ordered, but their fight ended with the whole family stuck in the Nth-Space. This turned out to be a blessing, however, as Elysius was finally able to snap Genis out of his insanity and put him on a righteous path. To save Rick Jones ' girlfriend, Marlo Chandler , Genis had to travel to the future to see what would be the cause of her future demise. He asked Phyla to stay behind on Earth to keep watch over Marlo. In doing so, she encountered the being known as the Magus , who tried to kidnap Marlo.

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She was aged at an accelerated rate and trained by simulators on Titan in most things. She made a deal to save the life of her partner Moondragon ; in exchange she became the Avatar of Oblivion, and she started calling herself Martyr. Having quite a bit of history with the Guardians on the page, and being a member of the team for a time, her debut on-screen in the final chapter of the Guardians trilogy is very exciting as Marvel Studios closes the door on the original team that first came together thanks to the Power Stone. Phyla made a deal with the latter to secure Heather's freedom. Archivado desde el original el 2 de febrero de She then came into possession of the Quantum Bands formerly owned by Wendell Vaughn. Knowing he would now become Magus, she ran Adam through but this failed to stop his transformation. So long as she possessed either her quantum bands, Nega-bands, her esoterically empowered swords or a steady supply of energy to feed off of. Download as PDF Printable version. Her name is derived from the scientific classification phylum , one of the levels of organization taxa for classifying life. Read Edit View history. Phyla withheld the same capacity to channel and manipulate vast quantities of differing energies for her own purposes as her father and her brother, but supposedly just not on their level. Archived from the original on June 4,

One of their number was Phyla Kai Zen , a young white-haired girl and freed test subject of evil geneticist the High Evolutionary Chukwudi Iwuji.

This will not affect the original upload Small Medium How do you want the image positioned around text? She found herself ion a borderland called Oblivion, where the Quantum bands fell of her wrists seeing as the bearer was now dead. Tweet Clean. All Comics Currently Active Series. Enter the URL for the tweet you want to embed. She has been shown to have the tendency to come off as cocky and overconfident because of her extensive training. She was aged at an accelerated rate and trained by simulators on Titan in most things. Phyla tuvo su propia miniserie como el nuevo Quasar, que indica de julio a octubre de , llamada Annihilation: Conquest - Quasar. Cancel Update. However, the first post-credits scene did see her eyes and hands beginning to glow while she stood with the New Guardians. There was nothing Phyla could do at this point.

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