Picket line traduccion
Forget doing it or forget to do it?
Forget doing it or forget to do it? Avoiding common mistakes with verb patterns 2. Add to word list Add to word list. Journalists interviewed the union officials on the picket line. Industrial action. Truck drivers refused to cross the picket line. Ejemplos de picket line.
Picket line traduccion
Estos enunciados provienen de fuentes externas y pueden ser poco precisos. Canadian For many of the campaigns of history sentries, or larger security parties constituting infantry pickets or cavalry vedettes, did not habitually fire on one another. British b. Irish The general secretary, who joined pickets outside the station, said the strikes proved that rail workers did not believe they were being treated fairly on pay. British c. Military , dated piquete masculine 2. North American In one of my gardens, in the dappled shade of oak trees, I have placed a pair of them either side of a wooden picket gate, where they are a delight each spring. British Workers who picket a workplace and demonstrators who block roads or entrances to financial institutions, such as the stock exchange, could be charged as terrorists, as could computer hackers. British The workers continued to picket the offices on December 8 despite the presence of dozens of armed police and security guards. English lookout lookout man pale piquet scout sentinel sentry spotter watch. Al completar este registro, usted acepta the terms of use and privacy policy de este sitio.
Mandarin Chinese images.
Listas de palabras. Build your vocabulary. Colocaciones inglesas. Palabras inglesas que se confunden. Modismos ingleses. English images. English synonyms.
English to Spanish. Spanish to English. Pronunciation Guide. Video Build your vocabulary. Dictionary Sentences Grammar. Word Frequency. Video: pronunciation of picket line. Examples of 'picket line' in a sentence picket line. These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content that does not reflect the opinions or policies of Collins, or its parent company HarperCollins.
Picket line traduccion
Forget doing it or forget to do it? Avoiding common mistakes with verb patterns 2. Add to word list Add to word list. Journalists interviewed the union officials on the picket line. Industrial action. Truck drivers refused to cross the picket line. Ejemplos de picket line. Most people would be glad to condemn intimidation, mass picketing and violence on the picket line.
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De Hansard archive. Military , dated piquete masculine 2. Elige tu idioma. Blog Forget doing it or forget to do it? Military a. Ejemplos de frases que contienen "picket" picket. Frecuencia de uso de la palabra. Picket is also Also: picquet. The house was a haven amid the madness of the city: lily of the valley grew near our front gate, Virginia creeper decked the green picket fence. Collins English Dictionary. Westboro BC to picket funerals for Lafayette victims. Lori Wick, English—Swedish Swedish—English.
Frecuencia de uso de la palabra. Ejemplos de frases que contienen "picket line" picket line.
Front Cover. Listas de palabras. Cancelar Enviar. It's not. Other definition of picket is an individual or group that stands outside an establishment to make a protest, to dissuade or prevent employees or clients from entering, etc. Protesters picket Memphis McDonald's over wages. This revised edition goes through the appropriate steps for planning and locating a fence, setting posts, creating infill, and attaching gates and includes techniques for building the fence you want, advice on tools, materials, foundations, Is he further aware that diagnosis of emergency cases by the picket line is farcical and unacceptable to ill people? Also : picquet a small detachment of troops or warships positioned towards the enemy to give early warning of attack. And then also meet ordinary citizens and the leaders of superpowers. Mandarin Chinese images. Picket is also a noun. Listas de palabras. English Pronunciation. The third proposal concerns no right of discipline on crossing a picket line.
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