pictures of a dachshund puppy

Pictures of a dachshund puppy

Last Updated on January 20, by Dogster Team, pictures of a dachshund puppy. Believe me, I no sooner noticed this gap in our cute puppy picture series than I decided it must be remedied, and with all due haste! Is there another small dog breed, with the exception of the mighty Pugthat is more instantly recognizable than Dachshunds? This Dachshund puppy has clearly forgone his ancient skill set for more elevated pursuits.

Cute dachshund puppy sits and looks attentively sideways at the owner , waiting for a delicious reward for training. Education puppies. Dog puppy dachshund sitting in bathtub with yellow plastic duck on her head and looks up. Dachshund puppy isolated on white. Studio shot of a pedigree chocolate dachshund puppy on a white background.

Pictures of a dachshund puppy


Dachshund puppy looking at a treat out of reach over a table.


Cute dachshund puppy sits and looks attentively sideways at the owner , waiting for a delicious reward for training. Education puppies. Dog puppy dachshund sitting in bathtub with yellow plastic duck on her head and looks up. Dachshund puppy isolated on white. Studio shot of a pedigree chocolate dachshund puppy on a white background. View Full Category:. A cute brown miniature sausage dog puppy isolated on white background.

Pictures of a dachshund puppy

The dachshund pronounced 'daks-hund' was developed in Germany to be a hunting dog, specifically to hunt badgers. The name dachshund is made up of two words, 'Dach' which means 'badger' and 'hund' which means 'dog', literally translating to badger dog because of what they were bred for. Their loose skin, big chest, and short legs were ideal for digging. This enabled them to enter tunnels and fight badgers. Even their flap down ears aid burrowing by keeping debris and dirt out. Breeding has resulted in this dog breed being available in two sizes: standard and miniature.

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Best match. Little african girl playing with dachshund puppy on warm floor. Portrait of a red-haired woman who hugs a sleepy black dog, Banner five happy dogs smiling on colored blue backgorund with Puppety white cans and sennyo red. Mess dachshund puppy was left at home alone, started making a Woman out of focus. Daushund poses. Vector illustration. Cute small sausage dog 10 weeks old on the grey sofa indoor. These next few cute puppy pictures show that, for Dachshund puppies, family can be quite an expansive term. East Asian. Dachshund cartoon design. Chasing her tail.

Beyond the fact that they love unconditionally, Dachshunds, and pets in general, have been known to help lower blood pressure and manage stress. They help keep you in shape by fulfilling their exercise needs and also teach your family about respecting and being kind towards animals.

Puppy longing for a treat. Horizontal color image from a DSLR. Only from iStock. Panoramic horizontal. Dog puppy dachshund sitting in bathtub with yellow plastic duck on her head and looks up. A cute brown miniature sausage dog puppy isolated on white background. Sitting pug, chihuahua and dachshund. Dachsund and cat best friends. Dogster is reader-supported. Ragdoll cat and dachshund lying on white studio background friendship. Everyone coos and chirps when kittens and puppies spend time together. Cute dachshund pet lies in dog bed at dog-friendly hotel looking at camera. Cute dachshund puppy sits and looks attentively sideways at the owner , waiting for a delicious reward for training. Daushund poses.

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