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Want Free Access to P. Keywords: Great Nudity! Soles is the ultimate cult pj soles nude actress whose most highly beloved for Rock 'n' Roll High School and the Halloween — the original horror classic where we get to see P. Soles' nude tits.

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Want Free Access to P. Keywords: Great Nudity! Soles is the ultimate cult movie actress whose most highly beloved for Rock 'n' Roll High School and the Halloween — the original horror classic where we get to see P. Soles' nude tits. Half-informed sexperts believe that perky sweetheart P. Soles is a cult star due to her performance as a rabid fan in the Ramones' Rock 'n' Roll High School What must be realized is that Soles was a cult star even before teaming up with the rebels from Rockaway Beach.

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In our weekly series Anatomy of a Nude Scene , we're going to be taking a look at in famous sex scenes and nude scenes throughout cinema history and examining their construction, their relationship to the film around it, and their legacy. This October, we're heading back to Horror Town for a quartet of scary movies with great nudity! This week, poor P. Soles shows her breasts and ultimately ends up getting killed in John Carpenter's Halloween , establishing a horror movie trope in the bargain!

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Niki Belluci Stripes - as Stella. You'll Hallo-cream! Hollie Winnard Notable post-nudityP. Malika Haqq 41 See through. Nude , breasts, bush Get a gloriously extended view on this bonus scene included in the extended version DVD! Shannon Tweed 67 Full Frontal. Soles-searching to find anymore P. Skin Store Mr. In P. Rita Simons 47 None. Nikki Blades

Feedback New user Login. Advanced search. Soles nude.

Jasmine Guy 60 Tits, Ass. Soles is a cult star due to her performance as a rabid fan in the Ramones' Rock 'n' Roll High School Hollie Winnard Our Trademarks exempt. Sanne Vloet 29 Tits, Ass. Advanced search. You'll need to do some serious P. Skin Store Mr. Emily Osment 32 Lingerie. Paget Brewster Carrie Underwood

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