Pll season 5 episode 17
Things you buy through our links may earn Vox Media a commission. Really, where is everyone, for that matter? Where is Cece Drake? Where is Detective Holbrook?
The liars are breaking the law. They need to look in the barrel and find out what's inside. But the cops are on their tail and they're getting ready to arrest. What will be in the tank? Caleb Rivers : Hanna Caleb Rivers : you can't move everything on your own. You will get caught.
Pll season 5 episode 17
It aired on January 27, The others advise her against touching anything in there since it would be tampering with evidence that could convict Alison. The others try to convince her that this is the safest plan but she storms out. The next morning, at The Brew, Emily and Aria discuss the barrel. Aria tries to find Ezra to tell him about the letter because she is feeling guilty about it. Talia comes out of the kitchen with a pie that she made for Ezra. But Emily informs Talia that she is not interested in any guys. Hanna disagrees and thinks that Ted deserves the truth. Spencer arrives and says that she needs to talk to him in private. Toby whispers to her that she was supposed to stop whatever she and Caleb were up to.
We don't know, since it seems it has already started decomposing, but somebody sure was.
Nice guys really do finish last in Rosewood. It has to be said— Pretty Little Liars is not appropriate for its target audience. Not because of the murder plot. Not because of the clear disregard for academics. Not because of the, well, you know, lying.
Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Episode list. Seasons Years Top-rated. The liars try to wrap their head around the new normal; Jason's odd behavior and Kenneth's search for Jessica starts to raise eyebrows. The liars are forced to live through Ali's latest lie; Hanna and Aria have loose ends with two people who know about Ali's story; Spencer and Emily try to uncover Jason's whereabouts in New York.
Pll season 5 episode 17
It aired on January 27, The others advise her against touching anything in there since it would be tampering with evidence that could convict Alison. The others try to convince her that this is the safest plan but she storms out. The next morning, at The Brew, Emily and Aria discuss the barrel.
Release date January 27, United States. But something needs to happen with that, and soon. Roma Maffia Linda Tanner. Toby fell in love with Spencer and every little bit of her Nancy Drew shenanigans. Well, Alison, too, while she is locked away in the green room in jail. Conveniently outside, there to slowly save the day. They are absurdly attractive. Choose a password to create an account: Enter your password or sign in with a different email Forgot Password? Enter your email: Please enter a valid email address. So who was in it? Caitlyn Baidas Barista uncredited.
We found out at the end of the last episode that the storage locker, holding the barrel and evidence of Mona's murder, was registered to Hanna. The girls want to devise a plan together, but Hanna isn't interested in waiting around to get framed and join Alison in jail.
We agreed that we weren't gonna touch anything. Someone dressed in a black hoodie locks them in the room and turns on the liquid nitrogen and they begin panicking as the temperature drops. When will the PLL social-media team give it a rest? For example, Spencer and Aria get locked in a dairy freezer and blasted with the icy blizzard that New York just escaped. She wants to burn all the clothes and other evidence, roll the barrel into the woods and call the police with a burner phone. I found a drill bit that can break that lock. TV Article. They think that Hanna went to the locker after they told her not to, and is moving it. Hanna Marin : What's that? Regardless of their status, Aria didn't seem that hysterical this time. Spencer on the other hand, did. Create profiles for personalised advertising. Toby fell in love with Spencer and every little bit of her Nancy Drew shenanigans. All that is left inside is the barrel.
The interesting moment
I consider, that you commit an error. I can defend the position.