Pomeranian cross with chihuahua
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Pomeranian cross with chihuahua
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Pomeranian Chihuahua Mix. This page contains affiliate links. We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post through our independently chosen links, which earn us a commission. Learn More. The lifespan of this crossbreed is around 12 to 15 years. Iconically known for their sassiness, sneakiness, and independent personality, the Pomchi is a dog that will undoubtedly be able to weaken the knees of any pet lover!
Pomeranian cross with chihuahua
The Pomchi is a mixed-breed dog — a cross between the Pomeranian and the Chihuahua dog breeds. Playful, devoted, and energetic, these small pups inherited some of the best qualities from both of their parents. Despite their unfortunate status as a designer breed, you may find these mixed breed dogs in shelters and rescues.
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The Pomchi is bred from lines of purebred Pomeranians and pedigree Chihuahuas. They are small dogs, weighing less than 12lbs on average.
Panel beżowy. Znani malarze. Browar Trójmiasto Gdansk. Data umieszczenia: 11 stycznia Panel zielony. Detale złote, srebrne i miedziane drukowane są bez połysku. North American She quickly leashed the yellow Lab and the Pomeranian cross and picked up the chihuahua. Bezpieczne zakupy. A może wolisz pouczyć się nowych słówek? Brak wybranego efektu to produkt w oryginalnej kolorystyce. Wisielec Wisielec Chcesz pograć?
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