poor mans grave chords

Poor mans grave chords

I'm gonna use up all the money that I saved. C G F pause G-G. Coz I dont wanna lie in a poor man's grave

Am I know a man who had nothing F G. Am He was a poor man all his li F fe G. Am He lived in a shack by the r F oa G dside. Am With starving kids and a lov F in G g wife. Am He went to church every Sunday F G. Am He prays from morning until nig F ht G , he said. Am Good Lord, why have you forsaken me F G.

Poor mans grave chords


Load Cue a video a list of videos a playlist uploaded videos favorite videos search results with video ID Start at: seconds Suggested quality: default highres hd hd large medium small. C G F faded strumming then Am softly.


Am I know a man who had nothing F G. Am He was a poor man all his li F fe G. Am He lived in a shack by the r F oa G dside. Am With starving kids and a lov F in G g wife. Am He went to church every Sunday F G. Am He prays from morning until nig F ht G , he said. Am Good Lord, why have you forsaken me F G. Em Now my Life is coming Am to an end.

Poor mans grave chords


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There's on F ly one thing I'm wishing fo C r. Am Good Lord, why have you forsaken me F G. Chordsound to play your music, study scales, positions for guitar, search, manage, request and send chords, lyrics and sheet music. Aspect ratio: 16x9 4x3 Width: Height: C I'm gonna use up all the G money that I s F aved. Duration: ,,Player state: -- Start bytes: -- , Percentage of video loaded: Poormans Grave. I'm gonna u C se up all the mo G ney that I sa F ved. C Give me a bed of roses. G Where I could l F ie. Chordsound chords lyrics and tabs. C G F pause G-G. C Bury me where the grass is green.


Songsterr Songsterr. There' F s only one thing I'm wishing C for. Am With starving kids and a lov F in G g wife. C I'm gonna use up all the m G oney that I sa F ved. And the ga F tes are shin G ing C Bury me where the grass is green. F Not a cross with a G pile of rocks. Am He lived in a shack by the r F oa G dside. Am I know a man who had nothing F G. Am Good Lord, why have you forsaken me F G. Em And now my life's coming Am to an end. Chordsound chords lyrics and tabs. C Give me a pair of shoes. Am He went to church every Sunday F G. However, you can very closely approximate the behavior of a chromeless player by using a standard IFrame embedded player and setting the controls and showinfo parameter values to 0.

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