portals giantess fan

Portals giantess fan

Hey guys! If your checking out this page, that means you enjoyed my stories here and want to read more, but this is just one of the many places I post. You can find my collages at DeviantArt or on Twitter. You portals giantess fan also find comics I wrote over on Giantess Fan!

Moderators: Novice Moderators , Moderators. Return to Illustration Ads. Users browsing this forum: Google [Bot] and 1 guest. Giantess Fan comics updates! Forum rules.

Portals giantess fan

The following is a list of the five best and five worst comics published by Giantess Fan. Giantess Fan has produced hundreds of illustrated comics since it first came online, nearly a decade ago, in The site produces at least two new comics every month. Typically, they include a cover and at least fifteen multi-panel color pages consisting of an inside cover with credits and other information, the story pages, and some previews. NOTE: A few comics are longer or shorter, or are drawn in black and white for stylistic reasons. Check out my earlier piece comparing the two sites here. These range from very good at the number five slot to the very best at number one! In particular, I enjoyed the romantic relationship between the two main characters, Sorina Dinesen and Hoshi Kameka, and how their roles, as tallest and shortest, switched over time. On the negative side, the backgrounds are often simple. For example, the basketball court has no markings and is just a solid color.

Thanks for reading!


This Monday, following the conclusion of the regular season, the transfer portal opened for Division-I basketball players. In other words, within 48 hours of the portal opening, more than one in every ten players has opted to search for a new program for the upcoming season. It is important to note that over the next few weeks this number is expected to rise substantially, as more players mull over their plans for the future and as the plus teams competing in post season tournaments gradually get eliminated: a continually updated database of current players can be accessed here. The staggering number of early portal entrants indicates a shift in the college landscape and many have pointed to NIL being the main cause of disruption. However, without looking at who is entering the portal, it is rash to make such an assumption. The NIL Collective system offers 'pay-for-play' contracts to athletes and has run rampant through men's revenue sports.

Portals giantess fan

As Clarissa and the others try to join Ariel's table for lunch, they're interrupted by the server, who's a big fan of Natalie's streaming content Synopsis: Clarissa, Megan, and Natalie quickly devise a plan to get near Valerie and the rest of the women on their lunch outing. However, things become a little more complicated when Natalie is recognized by one of her fans! Tags: unaware, shrunken man, shrunken woman, body exploration, upskirt, butt, stomach, boots, POV, science.

Scottish football results today

I love how you didn't just immediately jump into the shrinking, but let the girls fantasize about what they want to do to the shrunken people. To be fair to Giantess Fan, this is also a problem with some TV series, mainstream comics, etc. However, a simple statement like the following would be helpful. Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. There are no sex scenes, and the art and writing are poor. Well things don't go according to plan when Jimmy's girlfriend Sarah mistakes the formula as a bottle of soda because Jimmy foolishly stores it in the refrigerator. Summary: This will be a story completely dependant on you the readers. How will she fare facing the new challenges I thought describing the smell as rotten cheese was a bit strange because I kept imagining actual cheese. Moderators: Novice Moderators , Moderators.

The shrunken college boys are still trapped in the giantesses' locker room and still seeking a way to get help or at least get out alive! Can they hitch a ride with some of the huge hotties?

This is on the list not only for its own faults, but also to represent an overarching problem at Giantess Fan. I think it would have made much more sense to have more than just one guy attend the all girl school in a world where all the men have shrunken, but I understand wanting to personalize it with one character. The next issue, A Weekend Alone 16, is set to release on June 5th, Take your time. Moderators: Novice Moderators , Moderators. I've been blackmailed! Just spitballin' :. The giantess action is just the large payoff! Can he be of assistance, or will they both be forever trapped within the valley? By the end of paragraph 2, the guy we were just introduced to has already shrunk, by the start of paragraph 4, his torture starts, and then his torture is kind of complete by the end of that same paragraph.

3 thoughts on “Portals giantess fan

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