Posts de buenos dias
Life has been hectic but last night we arrived after a 3 day drive across France and Spain. Time to catch up with some Spanish administration, family time and hopefully some sunshine and relaxing too.
Shots of white sandy beaches and incredible architecture left a sizable, Spain-shaped imprint on my mind. Second, I befriended a group of Spanish girls, one of whom was from Barcelona. When they heard I had never tried Spanish food after I inadevertantly insulted them by asking if it was similar to Mexican food , they made me an incredible feast—and my favorite part was the tomato-based tapas, a Barcelona speciality. And La Tomatina? All sorts of online friendships finally morphed into real-life interactions through panels and after-parties.
Posts de buenos dias
Buenos dias mi compadres! Thread Tools. Received 4 Likes on 1 Post. View Public Profile. Rob O. Likes: Received 96 Likes on 43 Posts. Send a private message to Rob O. Find More Posts by Rob O. Bob W. STAG has one planned for Sat. Find More Posts by Bob W. Sounds like we've been planning two drives in parallel.
To keep this birthday tradition going I always knew I'd be in Italy for my 50!
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Al final, las cosas de las que nos arrepentimos son de las decisiones que no tomamos. Los ganadores no son personas que nunca fallan, son personas que nunca se dan por vencidas. Puede que no se decida un gran final, pero se puede planificar y lograr un comienzo creativo. Y lo considero un nuevo comienzo. Hoy tienes la oportunidad de marcar la diferencia y traer felicidad a tu vida. Guarda solo lo que se debe guardar: recuerdos, sonrisas, poemas, olores, memorias, momentos. Amor de mi vida, tenerte a mi lado es el mayor privilegio de mi vida. Que hoy despiertes fuerte para pelear todas las batallas que se te presenten. Y su felicidad era pura como el reflejo del sol en el agua. Y cuando quieras, puedes venir y recoger sonrisas en el patio de mi alma.
Posts de buenos dias
Cree en tu potencial. No hay atajos para obtener buenas recompensas. Trabaja duro para cosechar resultados. Las adversidades son partes inevitables de la vida. Aprende a aceptarlas para poder superarlas. El arrepentimiento puede ser un sentimiento peor que la derrota. La fe en Dios nos motiva a ser mejores personas. Sea valiente, centrado y persistente. Basta mirar a tu alrededor para reconocer los muchos milagros que Dios nos concede a diario. Si alguien te anima en tu mayor derrota, dale la bienvenida.
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Medium Rectangle. Anything you wish you would have known or done differently? I keep telling myself that if I managed in Hungary and Czech Republic by myself, I think I should be able to swing another romance language. Good morning from Up the Mountain! Twitter Banner. Half Page Letter. Online Ads. Banner 4' x 6'. Shots of white sandy beaches and incredible architecture left a sizable, Spain-shaped imprint on my mind. STAG has one planned for Sat. All times are GMT
Debemos intentar, independientemente de las circunstancias, tener una actitud que nos permita aprovechar las oportunidades y mejorar nuestra vida y la de otros.
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