
Pottermore is no more, pottermore. Long live The Wizarding World. The official Harry Potter site, pottermore launched nearly a decade ago under the watchful eye of J.

Everyone info. Get closer to the magic Join Harry Potter Fan Club, take part in the Hogwarts Sorting Ceremony, play quizzes and puzzles, unlock magical surprises and explore the Wizarding World, anytime, anywhere. Download the app for free. Answer eight mysterious questions, choose your Hogwarts pet and cross your fingers as your Hogwarts house is revealed. Once you know your house colours, you can discover your wand and Patronus too. Represent your house in quizzes and polls Represent your Hogwarts house as you take part in polls and play quizzes and puzzles created for witches and wizards of all levels.


This extended version of the Pottermore Sorting Hat Quiz takes into account every single quiz question in order to determine your house accurately. The grading scheme that is used is exactly the same as in Pottermore. You can click the house crests to show or hide the percentage scores. For copyright reasons, house names and images are not shown. Extended Sorting Hat Quiz This extended version of the Pottermore Sorting Hat Quiz takes into account every single quiz question in order to determine your house accurately. Dawn or dusk? Forest or river? Moon or stars? Which of the following would you most hate people to call you? After you have died, what would you most like people to do when they hear your name? Miss you, but smile. Ask for more stories about your adventures. Think with admiration of your achievements. I don't care what people think of me after I'm dead, it's what they think of me while I'm alive that counts. How would you like to be known to history?

This article covers a subject that is part of the real world, and thus should not be taken as a part of the Harry Potter pottermore.

Wizarding World Digital is a digital publishing , e-commerce, entertainment and news company. It offers news, features, and articles as well as new and previously unreleased writing by J. Rowling regarding the Wizarding World. The site features Rowling's thoughts, several pages of unpublished text, and a sales resource for e-book and audiobook versions of the seven Harry Potter novels through Pottermore Publishing. On 31 July , registration for the limited beta of a website named Pottermore began.

May 15, The site reopens as a new and improved site. Rowling updates a number of things, including the Rumors section, stating that the sixth book is not called The Pillar of Storge. July 24, In the News section, Rowling announces that she is pregnant with her third child. August 16, Door opens: Dart Board and Safe Puzzle, revealing a passage of text from book six, and many new items on the Extra Stuff bulletin board. October 5, Post Script P. October 31, Door opens: Flying Keys puzzle, reveals the titles of three chapters of book six. A new FAQ Poll opens. December 20, Door opens: Six Christmas present riddles, Rowling announces that she has delivered HBP to her publishers and that a release date should be announced within 24 hours. May 26, Rowling urges fans to be wary of gossip with a News article and an entry in Rubbish Bin.


Add some magic to your Harry Potter collection with this brand new, bold and vibrant range. This exclusive magenta Harry Potter merchandise is limited edition, so get yours today! Your Hogwarts journey in uniquely yours, so celebrate Pride and connect to the rich legacy of your chosen house with something from this collection!

Shambolic crossword clue 7 letters

What kind of instrument most pleases your ear? How would you like to be known to history? The early access began on 30 July , , whilst other houses were able to explore the new moments on 31 July , , Harry Potter's and the author's birthday; this was announced on 28 July , [37]. Even anyone who had been logged in previously and selected 'keep me logged in' were logged out. One of your house mates has cheated in a Hogwarts exam by using a Self-Spelling Quill. The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Users that completed the challenge could compete for the early registration for the site. Data privacy and security practices may vary based on your use, region, and age. The Good. Black or white? By duelling, making potions and finding things in moments, you could win points for your house. The House Cup was awarded every few months from July until September Learn about Our Editorial Process.

Wizarding World Digital is a digital publishing , e-commerce, entertainment and news company.

A troll has gone beserk in the Headmaster's study at Hogwarts. Harry Potter website. Ars Technica. Rowling created the Sorting Hat Quiz along with a welcome message for each house that have remained the same. Fantastic Beasts: Cases from the Wizarding World. Fans still could join the email list on the homepage, but could not fully register or enter until Pottermore opened to all in April They began with Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone and go through the chapters, following Harry and his friends through several Hogwarts journeys. Pottermore Sorting Hat Quiz. I'm really disappointed that I'm no longer hufflepuff. The Philosopher's Stone. Pewter cauldrons cost 15 Galleons , brass cauldrons cost 21 Galleons and copper cauldrons cost 25 Galleons. Users could practice spells and later use them against other members of Pottermore in the wizard's duels. Only a certain number of people each day were allowed to use the Magic Quill clue for registration, but this quickly added up to a total of one million users at the end of the challenge 6 August

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