pubg shield reporter

Pubg shield reporter

PUBG takes cheating very seriously and we are dedicated to evolving our efforts to combat it.

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Pubg shield reporter

PUBG Shield is unique in that it is a player-driven anti-cheat initiative. Instead of relying purely on PUBG Staff to deal with cheaters, the playerbase itself is able to directly help identify and report suspected crooks. Nothing in gaming is worse than having your game ruined by a cheater. Usually, the best you can do is report the alleged cheater in-game and hope for the best. With PUBG Shield, players can take the fight to the cheater and play a real role in getting them off the sftreets and making them pay for their crimes. Players that register for PUBG Shield will gain access to special tools, a direct line of communication to PUBG Staff, and a community of like-minded players all driven to stop cheaters. PUBG Shield members can do more than just submit reports. PUBG Shield members are able to review evidence submitted by other members and decide for themselves whether the accused cheater is guilty or not. Cases that have been voted on by a majority of the community will then be elevated to PUBG Staff for further review. Initially, players could report verbal harassment, inappropriate in-game name, discrimination, teamkilling, and stream sniping. Additionally, offences such as verbal harassment and stream sniping are harder to prove.

What should he do now? Lega View Profile View Posts.


PUBG Shield is unique in that it is a player-driven anti-cheat initiative. Instead of relying purely on PUBG Staff to deal with cheaters, the playerbase itself is able to directly help identify and report suspected crooks. Nothing in gaming is worse than having your game ruined by a cheater. Usually, the best you can do is report the alleged cheater in-game and hope for the best. With PUBG Shield, players can take the fight to the cheater and play a real role in getting them off the sftreets and making them pay for their crimes. Players that register for PUBG Shield will gain access to special tools, a direct line of communication to PUBG Staff, and a community of like-minded players all driven to stop cheaters. PUBG Shield members can do more than just submit reports. PUBG Shield members are able to review evidence submitted by other members and decide for themselves whether the accused cheater is guilty or not.

Pubg shield reporter

PUBG takes cheating very seriously and we are dedicated to evolving our efforts to combat it. PUBG Shield has become vital for catching cheaters who get past our in-game systems by allowing us to have more eyes on the Battlegrounds. Have you ever been playing PUBG and see or experience something that feels like cheating? You can submit your evidence and it will be reviewed by PUBG staff as well as fellow players.

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Click to enlarge. Initially, players could report verbal harassment, inappropriate in-game name, discrimination, teamkilling, and stream sniping. Jotahacheoka View Profile View Posts. Your first thought may be that this system sounds ripe for abuse. PUBG Shield members are able to review evidence submitted by other members and decide for themselves whether the accused cheater is guilty or not. I've been having this same problem for months, just today I was able to solve it. PUBG Staff would rather let a cheater go than ban an innocent player. There are already built-in systems with machine learning algorithms in use. Goodbye from Spain. Nothing in gaming is worse than having your game ruined by a cheater. I've reinstalled DirectX, the Dll file, uninstalled and reinstalled twice, checked local files. Originally posted by Daiden Fenrir :. Jimmah View Profile View Posts. According to staff, in-game reporting will always be the most efficient means to reporting cheaters.

Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam.

All rights reserved. Still, automated machines are far from fool-proof. PUBG Shield members are able to review evidence submitted by other members and decide for themselves whether the accused cheater is guilty or not. I'll get through all of these steps and let you know my whereabouts. Last edited by Lega ; 14 Aug, pm. Hello everyone. If the problem continues, I recommend you paste the. Initially, players could report verbal harassment, inappropriate in-game name, discrimination, teamkilling, and stream sniping. Thankfully, PUBG Staff has implemented some precautionary measures to make sure no innocent players are wrongly banned. Posts: 6. Instead of relying purely on PUBG Staff to deal with cheaters, the playerbase itself is able to directly help identify and report suspected crooks. Your first thought may be that this system sounds ripe for abuse. Along with the joy of being a good samaritan and helping the community, active PUBG Shield members will receive exclusive rewards for their efforts.

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