puff daddy dead

Puff daddy dead

Sean John Combs born November 4, is an American rapper, singer, producer, and actor. Combs has used many stage names during his career.

However the February report has now been confirmed as a complete hoax and just the latest in a string of fake celebrity death reports. Thankfully, the rapper best known for his hit song I'll Be Missing You is alive and well. Hundreds of fans immediately started writing their messages of condolence on the Facebook page, expressing their sadness that the talented year-old rapper, producer and business man was dead. And as usual, Twittersphere was frenzied over the death hoax. Where as some trusting fans believed the post, others were immediately skeptical of the report, perhaps learning their lesson from the huge amount of fake death reports emerging about celebrities over recent months.

Puff daddy dead

Diddy , or Diddy , [6] [7] is an American rapper, record producer, record executive and actor. Combs has produced and cultivated artists such as the Notorious B. Blige , and Usher. Combs' debut album, No Way Out , has been certified seven times platinum. The album was followed up with Forever , The Saga Continues In , Combs founded the clothing retailer Sean John. In late , Combs' former girlfriend, singer Cassie Ventura , filed a multi-million dollar lawsuit against him for sexual assault , which was settled. Combs graduated from Mount Saint Michael Academy in He played football for the academy, and his team won a division title in Combs was a business major at Howard University but left after his sophomore year.

In NovemberCombs and his second eldest son became the first father-son duo to have simultaneous 1 hits. Archived from the original on July 11,


About this rating. In September and again in July , what appeared to be an odd update in the case of the murder of Tupac Shakur surfaced. Diddy had been arrested and possibly charged in connection with Shakur's death. Perhaps luckily for the rappers' families and fans still seeking closure, [former Los Angeles Police Department Detective Greg] Kading made copies of nearly every investigative report and taped confession before he left LAPD. In a taped confession fully reviewed by L. Weekly, Keffe D says, "[Combs] took me downstairs and he's like, 'Man, I want to get rid of them dudes. It's nothing. We wanted a million. In another stunning confession, detailed in LAPD documents reviewed by the Weekly, the mother of one of Knight's children, identified in Kading's book as "Theresa Swann," breaks down in tears, stating that the former Death Row boss gave her the money to pay Wardell "Poochie" Fouse, Knight's close associate and a fellow member of the Mob Piru Bloods, to kill Smalls.

Puff daddy dead

Yes, but the Police song also had a surprising emotional connection for the producer-rapper saying goodbye to his good friend. Twice a week over the next 12 months, we will take you back to the winter of sheep cloning and the summer of Con Air. Come for the Chumbawamba , and stay for the return of the Mack. See all of the stories here. Across the street is the Petersen Automotive Museum, which was unveiled in the summer of Like a lot of Angelenos who lived here in the late s, I still think of it as the place where the Notorious B. He was leaving a party at the Peterson car museum here on Wilshire Blvd in LA when a car came along his, and the driver shot him four times. He was taken to nearby Cedars-Sinai and pronounced dead at am.

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Gannett Co. May 21, Best New Artist. Archived from the original on July 10, By US! Entertainment Weekly. Best Group. American rapper and record executive born Diddy Diddy Puffy Love. Archived from the original on April 2,

About this rating.

Archived from the original on November 18, Retrieved April 22, Hawaii News Now. Combs had an on-again, off-again relationship with Kimberly Porter — , which lasted from to In his speech, Combs acknowledged that his experiences as a Howard student positively influenced his life. Archived from the original on July 4, Retrieved November 17, Wikimedia Commons. In response to comedian Nick Cannon being fired on July 14, , from ViacomCBS for espousing anti-Semitic views, [] Combs tweeted that Cannon should "come home to RevoltTv" saying "We got your back and love you and what you have done for the culture. Some pointed out that the news had not been carried on any major American network, indicating that it was a fake report, as the death of a rapper of Puff Daddy's stature would be major news across networks.

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