purple dye osrs

Purple dye osrs

As you may tell from the title Blue Dye is just really blue dye in Runescape. It can change the color of any regular cape to blue as the red and yellow dye also can. If you mix it together with red dye you make purple dye, purple dye osrs. If you mix it with yellow dye you make green dye and so on.

Dye exists in only seven hues, plus the black mushroom ink. Dye is used to colour items: most commonly capes , but also certain quest items. Dyes can be made quickly by using the required ingredients on the person making the dye, given you have enough of the item and the required coins in your inventory. Standard dyes can be used to dye capes and goblin mail. If you "use" the ingredients 3 redberries, 2 onions, or 2 woad leaves Aggie will automatically make the dye, saving you from clicking through all of the dialogue options.

Purple dye osrs


It can be made during the quest by using redberries and white berries with a special vial of water. Wyson the Gardener is located in the Purple dye osrs Park, east of the small pond near the little building.


Dye exists in only seven hues, plus the black mushroom ink. Dye is used to colour items: most commonly capes , but also certain quest items. Dyes can be made quickly by using the required ingredients on the person making the dye, given you have enough of the item and the required coins in your inventory. Standard dyes can be used to dye capes and goblin mail. If you "use" the ingredients 3 redberries, 2 onions, or 2 woad leaves Aggie will automatically make the dye, saving you from clicking through all of the dialogue options. Very close to the Khazard Battlefield Spirit Tree, to the east, next to the bridge. It can be made during the quest by using redberries and white berries with a special vial of water. Pink dye can be used to create a pink cape , craft a pink origami balloon and to make Pink goblin mail.

Purple dye osrs

Pricing: Buy from a store for 6 Coins. If anything is incorrect or missing, or if you have any new information to submit to this database, please submit it to us on our Content Submissions Forums. All Rights Reserved. All submitted content becomes the property of RuneHQ. Usage of RuneHQ content on any other site is strictly prohibited. Note: We are not Jagex!

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Pink dye can be used to create a pink cape , craft a pink origami balloon and to make Pink goblin mail. Then click "Yes please, I need woad leaves. Dye exists in only seven hues, plus the black mushroom ink. Introduction: Runescape: Blue Dye. Right click on her and click on "Make-dyes". Affiliates Requests Deletion requests Adminship requests. Skeleton lantern Pumpkin lantern Spooky outfit Spookier outfit. Mixture of red dye and blue dye. It can be used to dye capes , desert robes , goblin mails , origami balloons , and the Silverlight sword. Blue dye is also in fact a good way to make some money, doesn't give a lot, but it doesn't take to long to make. It can be made during the quest by using redberries and white berries with a special vial of water.


In the town Draynor Village there is a witch located north of the library. Fantasy Old School RuneScape. Skeleton lantern Pumpkin lantern Spooky outfit Spookier outfit. Introduction: Runescape: Blue Dye. Affiliates Requests Deletion requests Adminship requests. You don't even have to move your curser. Don't have an account? Explore Wikis Community Central. To make Blue Dye you need 5 coins 5gp and 2 woad leaves which is bought buy Wyson the Gardener located on the map below. Mixture of red dye and yellow dye. If you "use" the ingredients 3 redberries, 2 onions, or 2 woad leaves Aggie will automatically make the dye, saving you from clicking through all of the dialogue options. Some quests require dyes to complete. When you get to the part when Wyson asks you how much you will pay him, pay him 20 coins for he give you 2 woad leaves for being generous.

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