r nostupidquestions

R nostupidquestions

Here you'll find a bunch of different subreddit ranking lists, r nostupidquestions. You can click a subreddit name to see stats graphs, etc. Click othalam r nostupidquestions link icon next to the subreddit's name to go directly to the subreddit. This subreddit is quarantined.

McDonald's is dropping four anime shorts along with a new sauce and a two-day pop-up. It honors their vision and celebrates their creativity, while authentically bringing it to life in our restaurants for the first time ever. The exclusive series was made in collaboration with Studio Pierrot, the anime studio responsible for eternally popular anime like Bleach, Naruto, and Tokyo Ghoul. Each episode focuses on one of four different anime subgenres, including action, fantasy, romance, and mecha — heck yes, there will be more robots — and the series can be viewed by visiting WcDonalds. Use limited data to select advertising.

R nostupidquestions

What happens if the same question gets asked 10, times? Absolutely nothing. Search engines will filter them for us. Pointless gatekeeping. This is incorrect and a misunderstanding and underestimation of the unpaid volunteer answerers who scan the queue of questions to look for interesting things to answer. The valuable high-rep SO users do not like wading through bad and duplicate questions. It's a waste of their time. The volunteer answerers don't interface with the list of new SO questions queue via de-duped Google search results. When I started typing this comment, the sibling comment by setr was grayed out. Const-me on Sept 3, parent next [—]. I disagree. Nobody forces me to answer every question asked on SO. You know what is a waste of my time? I've experienced the same thing before. First of all, there's often a subtle difference in the questions despite being flagged as duplicate.

We help each other, but no one has spare change for hordes, r nostupidquestions. Hacker News new past comments ask show jobs submit. The answerers are definitly more valuable, because it's hard to actually answer questions in the first place, and there's only the reward of intellectual r nostupidquestions for doing so.


And why is Mike secretly buying lottery tickets? How can you strive for excellence without overworking yourself? Why is perfectionism on the rise? And is Angela part of the problem? Does anyone have any real agency? And why did Angela give up on philosophy? Should you shout your sins from the rooftops?

R nostupidquestions

A core goal of community is to be a friendly place to chat about topics related to data science, R, and RStudio. We know that posting to technical forums can be intimidating. But know that many here would love to see you overcome your inhibition and engage with us. Check Out R Documentation - R has built in documentation on packages and functions. For example typing? Search - Be sure to search for the basic keywords of your question with your favorite search engine, Stack Overflow, and R-Help. How to make your code look nice? Markdown Formatting The reprex package will do this automatically for you. See below. The goal of a reprex is to package your problematic code in such a way that other people can run it and feel your pain.

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You're already getting a never-ending stream of the same basic low quality beggings. It is no doubt that SO may be toxic or pushing ego. Note 4 : It's worth mentioning that Lemmy is young - the Lemmy devs are working hard to quickly improve the software, and server admins have been constantly moving to larger machines to support the influx of new users, so please be patient with bugs and issues. It would be pretty weird if a small group really "need" the "right" to suppress a larger group of their co-users just because the questions are programming-related. Why is that? I'm serious about that subreddit suggestion; it would be a fascinating experiment. The questioner are not as valuable, because asking questions is easy. The filter should likely favor the former — an emotionally injured questioner must go where the answerers are, and will come back. Each episode focuses on one of four different anime subgenres, including action, fantasy, romance, and mecha — heck yes, there will be more robots — and the series can be viewed by visiting WcDonalds. Again, refer to the cited threads of answerers' complaining about their experience being ruined because of bad quality questions. It's a form of teaching, which is really a form of learning, and writing a good answer gives me a chance to learn something in more depth in order to be able to explain it. Click on the link icon next to the subreddit's name to go directly to the subreddit. The valuable high-rep SO users do not like wading through bad and duplicate questions. Use limited data to select advertising.

And why is Mike secretly buying lottery tickets? How can you strive for excellence without overworking yourself? Why is perfectionism on the rise?

The power to ruin someone else's experience is a heavy-handed alternative to some basic filtering. Frankly, the few times I've tried it feels like trying to argue with someone that thinks the earth is flat or the moon landings were faked. Again, refer to the cited threads of answerers' complaining about their experience being ruined because of bad quality questions. Secondly, sometimes I like answering questions. Or allow people to filter out questions from askers with less than N reputation. Measure content performance. We help each other, but no one has spare change for hordes. Not just random two, but find two really worth their time to see real costs. Nobody needs to take offense a question was asked or be hurt their question was removed. But I see what you mean. Sure, but it should be measured against the impact of greater redundant questions. Asking a good question is hard, but the majority of questions aren't hard to ask. Comments Per Day. Please leave feedback here.

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