R popular

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We found in a previous post that Python has a solid claim to being the fastest-growing programming language in terms of Stack Overflow visits. The same analysis showed that the R programming language has shown remarkable growth in the last five years as well. In fact, R is growing at a similar rate to Python in terms of a year-over-year percentage, though this growth is "easier" because it started from a smaller share of traffic. In another post , we found that much of the growth of Python can be explained by the expansion of data science. Since R is primarily used for statistical analysis, it's likely that R is part of the same trend. In this post, we'll analyze how quickly R has grown, examine how its growth differs across industries, and look at what R packages are popular and growing within the ecosystem. Like Python, a disproportionate amount of traffic to R questions comes from high-income countries it's visited about three times as often in those countries as in the rest of the world , so this post will consider Stack Overflow traffic from high-income countries, such as the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Canada and France.

R popular


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While everyone gets to be a bit Irish on Saint Patrick's Day Sunday , the Chicago River will get a head start when it is dyed green this weekend. The over year tradition of dyeing the Chicago River is set to take place Saturday ahead of the city's St. Patrick's Day parade. The dyeing is carried out by members of the Chicago Journeymen Plumbers Local who have been turning the river emerald green since The best views in the city to see the dyeing are on Upper Wacker Drive between Columbus and Fairbanks, according to the Local, but you don't have to be in the Windy City to watch. In the then business manager of the plumbers local, Stephen Bailey, noticed that one of his member's coveralls had been stained green. When the member said that the stains were a result of the chemicals used to discover leaks Bailey made the connection to the holiday and, according to the Local , said, "call the mayor, we'll dye the river green. Home U. Dyeing the Chicago River green Date, time, how to watch St. Patrick's Day tradition.

R popular

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Our Newsletter. R Packages In the case of Python, we were interested in what particular applications of the language had been driving its growth, such as data science, web development, and system administration. Buy in bulk and save. Older packages like zoo, xml, and grid have been steady or slowly declining as a share of questions. For example: ggplot2 has always been involved in a substantial portion of questions and answers, though its frequency has been slightly declining since the early years of the site. R is most visited from universities, where it's a common choice for academic research, especially in the social sciences and biology. We'd generally agree from our experience in the R community that these are two areas with lots of recent innovation. In what industries is R growing the fastest? However, running this on the most common packages mentioned in answers , not just questions, leads to a very similar list you can try it yourself! Conclusion Since we use R on the Stack Overflow Data Team, we certainly enjoyed examining how the R ecosystem is changing, and seeing that it's been a part of the rapid expansion of the data science field. We're here to help! By the definition we chose, most "growth" is centered in newer packages that have plenty of room to grow, such as the tidyverse package introduced only last year.

In an annual roundup, Reddit has listed its most popular threads of , with the gaming and cryptocurrency topics leading the pack by quite some margin. Similar to Spotify Wrapped , the Reddit Recap feature provides a snapshot of user activity from the past year. It contains data on things like the most upvoted posts, the Ask Me Anything AMA interviews that received the most attention, and the conversation topics that people seemed to be particularly drawn to.

Typescript, though it's still a smaller source of traffic, has been showing quite remarkable growth, and will be the subject of some future analyses. That means blue regions of the ecosystem don't represent "stagnant" areas, but rather regions that have already had their share of questions asked. We'll measure this over time in terms of the percentage of questions where either the question mentions the package, or one of its answers does. Click to enlarge. Like Python, a disproportionate amount of traffic to R questions comes from high-income countries it's visited about three times as often in those countries as in the rest of the world , so this post will consider Stack Overflow traffic from high-income countries, such as the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Canada and France. The plyr and reshape2 packages rose in frequency from about to , then declined afterwards when Wickham replaced them with the newer dplyr and tidyr packages. That probably won't come as a surprise to biostatisticians, since R is the tool of choice for many statistical methods necessary for clinical studies and bioinformatics. We separately found that pandas , a data science framework for Python, was less visited in tech than it was in almost all other industries. By industry What industries visit R questions the most? Visualization packages generally ended up on the lower left, largely splitting into three clusters: grid graphics centered around ggplot2 , geographical visualization including the sp, maps and maptools packages and interactive visualization with shiny, plotly, DT and htmlwidgets making up some of the more notable nodes.

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