raft mods steam

Raft mods steam

Raft is an open-world survival game raft mods steam is always adding new content in Early Access. You take to the seas on a small raft and slowly build it up to a mobile home with everything you need. Collecting materials, building structures, crafting new equipment, and exploring islands with friends are all part of the fun in Raft, raft mods steam. However, there's always something more to be added.

Here is a list of all raft mods that have been published on our site. If you are missing something or have a great new idea, feel free to contact us on our Discord server. Pauses all stats and stops enemies from targeting you, when you are in the escape menu. Dredge some supplies from the seafloor so you need to spend less time underwater! Multiplayer compatible.

Raft mods steam

It's not necessary to use Raft mods to have fun with the seafaring survival game, but they can certainly make your life a little easier. Maybe you're having a blast playing with friends but want something more chill for your own solo world. Some mods offer quality of life improvements, while others remove certain mechanics altogether. So if you're ready to dive straight in, here are the best Raft mods and how to install them. Whatever the reason you're here, you should find something to suit how you want to play. Raft has a large modding community, and you can find many mods over at the RaftModding website. This is also where you'll find the handy ModLoader, which makes installing mods incredibly simple. Now you can download any mod that catches your eye and you'll be prompted to open ModLoader to install it. When you're done, use the program to launch Raft. You'll see the ModLoader window on the title screen when you load into the game. Navigate to the Mod Manager tab on the left to view your mods and choose which ones you want to load by clicking the small circular button on the far right.

Camera Inverter by Tajam Invert your camera movement on both axis. The Tweaker Mod adds in a few quality of life things.


Raft is an open-world survival game that is always adding new content in Early Access. You take to the seas on a small raft and slowly build it up to a mobile home with everything you need. Collecting materials, building structures, crafting new equipment, and exploring islands with friends are all part of the fun in Raft. However, there's always something more to be added. If you're looking to add something more or shake up the vanilla experience, these mods are all great choices.

Raft mods steam

Here is a list of all raft mods that have been published on our site. If you are missing something or have a great new idea, feel free to contact us on our Discord server. Pauses all stats and stops enemies from targeting you, when you are in the escape menu. Dredge some supplies from the seafloor so you need to spend less time underwater!

Elephant clipart

You'll see the ModLoader window on the title screen when you load into the game. Almost No Power by Aidanamite Prevents batteries in machines from losing power. Adjusts Maya character to look a bit more androgynous by flattening the model's chest and adjusting the textures. Collection Counter by Aidanamite Counts the items collected from the ocean. It's worth installing this mod, and the saved time and effort make solar panels an item that everyone should have on their raft. Show some extra things in the UI storage labels, tank capacity, etc More features coming soon!! Batteries are very important in the grand scheme of Raft. Just because you're not craving water right now doesn't make it less effective at hydrating you. Toggle Sprint by Fynikoto Let's you toggle the sprint of your character. Scattered Remains by Aidanamite Makes the player drop their items on respawn. When taking mods into multiplayer, beware of any potential errors or conflicts that come with it. Let's you toggle the sprint of your character. NoFog is definitely worth having while you sail the open seas.

It's not necessary to use Raft mods to have fun with the seafaring survival game, but they can certainly make your life a little easier. Maybe you're having a blast playing with friends but want something more chill for your own solo world. Some mods offer quality of life improvements, while others remove certain mechanics altogether.

Raft is beloved by so many players, but some just need it to have that little kick that sets it aside from the original version. Not only does it increase the number of crop plots, but you can also put every seed into a large or small plot if you want to. NoFog increases the render distance and removes fog while showing all objects that the game has loaded. Once you're happy with your selection, you can close the window and load your world normally. AzQuest by Azertio This mod add random trading quest. Cetaphobia Helper by Aidanamite Prevents whales from spawning. Some mods offer quality of life improvements, while others remove certain mechanics altogether. Benevolent Sprites by Aidanamite Adds some helpful little friends. Island Items by FranzFischer78 Display remaining items on an island. Signposts by PhilippRedel Create signposts for your raft. Custom Maximum Raft Speed by jannik Gives you the ability to customize the maximum raft speed. Andro Maya Model by Fazy Adjusts Maya character to look a bit more androgynous by flattening the model's chest and adjusting the textures. Auto-sorters are able to transfer items from other storages on your raft automatically. Well now you can! More Trophies by Aidanamite Allows more items to be put on trophy boards.

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