rake definition

Rake definition

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to rake definition current usage of the word 'rake. Send us feedback about these examples, rake definition. Accessed 2 Mar. Old English racu "a tool for gathering up grass or straw".

English Dictionary. Word Lists. Grammar English Easy Learning Grammar. Grammar Patterns. English Usage.

Rake definition

Winds raked the plains. She lingered at an Italian sports car, her eyes raking the length of it. Meanwhile, many employers of these essential workers, including Walmart, Amazon, Kroger and Costco, have raked in record profits. They dress in clothing from the flophouse lost-and-found and are groomed with a hacksaw and gravel rake. The next 10 times after that, the sheer repetition made it funny again, like the famous Simpsons rake joke. Harrowing makes finer the lumps near the surface, and mixes the fertilizer deeper than a rake can be used. But as they rode back to Zoyland Chase the old rake was bitter in his inveighings against Wilding's folly and weakness. He forbade his subjects, under pain of banishment, to rake up the old causes of dispute. Though outnumbered three to one, still we were well under cover in our boat, and could rake each canoe as it came up. The Belgians place no limit upon the number of elephants one may shoot, just so they get their rake -off. Other definitions for rake 2 of 4. First recorded in —55; see origin at rakehell.

Word Frequency. Mar 02, English Pronunciation.

Add to word list Add to word list. Gardening tools. The rows of seats are laid out with a very steep rake. Slanting, sloping, leaning, tilting. A couple of our young players are really raking in the minor leagues. Phrasal verbs rake something in. Some workers raked leaves in the park.

English Dictionary. Word Lists. Grammar English Easy Learning Grammar. Grammar Patterns. English Usage. Teaching Resources. Video Guides. Video Learn English.

Rake definition

A long-handled implement with a row of projecting teeth at its head, used especially to gather leaves or to loosen or smooth earth. To gather or move with or as if with a rake: rake leaves into a pile; rake in the gambling chips. Informal To gain in abundance. Often used with in : a successful company that raked in the profits. To smooth, scrape, or loosen with a rake or similar implement: rake the soil for planting. To move over or across swiftly or harshly: Cold winds raked the plains. To pull or drag a comb or one's fingers, for example over or through something, such as one's hair. To scrape; scratch: The cat raked my arm with its claws. To conduct a thorough search: raked through the files for the misplaced letter.

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She lingered at an Italian sports car, her eyes raking the length of it. Grammar Patterns. Italian to English. Post the Definition of rake to Facebook Facebook. Many can survive only by raking through dustbins. Old English racu "a tool for gathering up grass or straw". English Usage. German images. Grammar Thesaurus. In Africa John T. Word Lists. Word forms: plural , 3rd person singular present tense rakes , present participle raking , past tense , past participle raked 1.

English Dictionary. Word Lists. Grammar English Easy Learning Grammar.

But as they rode back to Zoyland Chase the old rake was bitter in his inveighings against Wilding's folly and weakness. English—Italian Italian—English. English Dictionary. Time Traveler. Nglish: Translation of rake for Spanish Speakers. Dictionary Definition. He marketed his invention and has been raking in money ever since. Choose your language. How to use rake in a sentence Meanwhile, many employers of these essential workers, including Walmart, Amazon, Kroger and Costco, have raked in record profits. Bilingual Dictionaries. Word of the Year. Many can survive only by raking through dustbins.

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