ramazan orucu 2021

Ramazan orucu 2021

Material and Methods: A total of 25 sedentary male volunteers participated in the study, ramazan orucu 2021. One week before the month ramazan orucu 2021 Ramadan, the participants' body weights were measured, their flexibility with the sit-and-reach test, reaction rates with the Nelson hand reaction test, agility with the T test, and grip strength with the hand dynamometer. The measurements were repeated in the last week of Ramadan and a week later. Conclusion: As a result of this study, it has been observed that fasting has positive effects on agility and reaction time parameters in young healthy individuals.

During the month of Ramadan, Muslims do not eat, drink, smoke and abstain from sexual activity from dawn to sunset. The month of Ramadan lasts for days and the fasting period ranges from 10 to 20 hours depending on geographic location. The condition for fasting is to be healthy and having no chronic illness. However, with the thought that it is a religious obligation and will provide spiritual benefit, most individuals with chronic diseases also want to fast. Diabetes mellitus DM is considered a high risk condition for fasting in Ramadan, as it is a chronic metabolic disease and carries risks such as hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, dehydration and coagulopathy during fasting. Fear of hypoglycemia is a common problem during fasting on holy month Ramadan. However, in clinical practice, most individuals with DM prefer to fast.

Ramazan orucu 2021


Therefore, healthcare professionals must provide education sessions to protect individuals with DM against various risks and help prevent hypoglycemic as well as hyperglycemic events.


The Islamic holy month of Ramadan called Ramazan in Turkey is a special time. The holy month, and the 3-day holiday that follows it, can affect travelers' plans. Being an Islamic holiday , Ramazan begins 11 days earlier each succeeding year. Note that Islamic calendar days start and end at sunset, so if Ramazan begins, for example, on "Thursday, the 15th," it will actually begin at sunset on Wednesday, the 14th, and this "first day" will continue until sunset on Thursday, the 15th. Thus, the evening of the 15th is actually the beginning of the second day of Ramazan. The beginning date for Ramazan depends on the sightings of the moon in Mecca rather than a date certain proclaimed in advance, so all dates are estimates until the sighting takes place.

Ramazan orucu 2021


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Ramadan fasting does not adversely affect neuromuscular performances and reaction times in trained karate athletes. Glycaemic control of type 2 diabetic patients during Ramazan fasting. Diabet Med. Ramadan fasting and exercise performance. During the month of Ramadan, Muslims do not eat, drink, smoke and abstain from sexual activity from dawn to sunset. Diabetes Care. Facebook Twitter. Fasting in Ramadan of Muslim patients with diabetes Mellitus, and knowledge and practice in relation to diabetes control in Brunei. Therefore, healthcare professionals must provide education sessions to protect individuals with DM against various risks and help prevent hypoglycemic as well as hyperglycemic events. J Neurochem. Age Dordr. Empowerment-based diabetes self-management education to maintain glycemic targets during ramadan fasting in people with diabetes who are on conventional insulin: A feasibility study. Acarbose in the treatment of elderly patients with type 2 diabetes.


Global physical activity levels-Need for intervention. Ann Med Research. Repaglinide versus glibenclamide treatment of Type 2 diabetes during Ramadan fasting. Energy metabolism and intermittent fasting: the ramadan perspective. Anthropol Anz. Blood glucose fluctuation during ramadan fasting in adolescents with type 1 diabetes: Findings of continuous glucose monitoring. J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad. J Med Nutr Nutraceut. Frier BM. Ramadan fasting related awareness, practices and experiences of a representative group of Urban Pakistani Diabetics.

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