reba fitness

Reba fitness

Welcome to my very first fitness blog. This is me.

I've been a lot of things in the first 40 or so years of my life including:. But fit and healthy or an athlete was not one of them. I never did sports in school. I attended Spa Lady once in a while in my 30's during lunch break. My weight fluctuated as I yoyo dieted most of my adult life. It wasn't till my 40's that I started my health and fitness journey as a result of health scares and just being fed up with how I looked at 50 pounds heavier than I am now. I changed my mindset and was able to make changes to my body that I never imagined was possible.

Reba fitness


After meeting with a cardiologist, it was revealed that it was not a reba fitness attack, reba fitness, but it was a serious wake up call. I have been working in the fitness industry since when I first starting teaching group fitness as a cycle instructor. It took 45 years of adding on a pound or two of weight before I realized that my past eating habits, and exercise level was not going to get me anywhere even though I thought I was doing my best.


I've been a lot of things in the first 40 or so years of my life including:. But fit and healthy or an athlete was not one of them. I never did sports in school. I attended Spa Lady once in a while in my 30's during lunch break. My weight fluctuated as I yoyo dieted most of my adult life.

Reba fitness

Panty Promotion will be over on March 1st. This tier will treat you with a surprise sent from me to you. If it is something I am able to do, I will create and send to you along with another piece of my other merchadise. For the High Roller's because you can and want to help support me and my work. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your support. At this level, you are a ambassador and you will receive all of the benefits of the earlie tiers in addition to a 30 minute consult call with me to discuss age reversing and three month's of X Wearable Light Therapy. Skip navigation.

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Every weekend we found a new place to hike while discovering all the wineries throughout the entire state. Helping women over 40 look and feel their best while burning, fat, building muscle and boosting metabolism with personalized diet and training programs specifically designed for you. View fullsize. It is already scaring the bejesus out of me just thinking about it. More about my story and transformation is available on my First Blog: This is Me. Then the frequency of strength training was reduced and more cardio was added. After making changes in exercise and nutrition, I was able to achieve a new level of fitness that I previously thought impossible. One thing I know from past experiences is this:. By taking care of your health, you not only become an amazing role model but you also give an amazing gift to those who love and care about you. Last year a friend and I embarked on a hiking and wine tasting tour of Maryland. This is me.


From my 20's to my mid 40's I lived on a roller-coaster ride of yoyo dieting. My greatest happiness and joy comes from all the wonderful experiences shared with them. One thing I know from past experiences is this:. My weight fluctuated as I yoyo dieted most of my adult life. I have accomplished amazing things going from overweight and stuck in midlife spread to being where I am now. Getting fit is a very long process of adding strength, building muscle fibers, and shedding fat. In the outdoors, there is always a challenge to overcome, a lesson to be learned, and an experience to be had. But not long after, I would put it back on along with another 10 and on and on it went like this for years. It all started when I turned 53 and I went skydiving for the first time. What it took to get where I am today: It did not happen over-night or involve an all at once lifestyle change. Whenever life seems to get too crazy, being surrounded by Mother Nature keeps me grounded and calms my stress. Welcome to my very first fitness blog.

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