Reddit stranger things
Warning: This post contains spoilers for the third season of Stranger Things. Stop reading NOW!!!
Season 4, Volume 2 of Stranger Things was released on July 1, and fans are still obsessing over the events of the season and their favorite series moments. This latest season gave viewers a revealing look into Hawkins and how the first gate into the Upside Down was opened. While much of the season takes a dive into darker and more mature story threads, Stranger Things manages to throw in a good amount of wholesome and heart-warming scenes to lighten the mood. Recently, Reddit users came together to discuss their favorites. In the first episode of season 4, Steve and Robin are on their way to school, talking about girls.
Reddit stranger things
These kids have no care in the world, and there aren't many things more wholesome than a few kids just being kids.
The popularity of Stranger Things , and its impact on pop culture cannot be denied, and it is one of the original shows that made Netflix the streaming giant it is today. The show's fourth and most ambitious season finished airing, introducing a variety of new characters including a new villain that has taken the fandom by storm, and also raised as many questions as it answered. As usual, fans have taken to social media platforms like Reddit and Twitter to express their myriad of opinions, whether good or bad. Side characters have died in Stranger Things since the very first season, and it goes to show exactly how high the stakes are for the main characters. Eddie was given a likable personality and quickly became a fan favorite despite being a fairly new character, and his death in the finale has understandably saddened many fans. But there are also those with the opinion that the character's ending should have been handled better, that it was lazy and predictable, as Redditor AgreeableInterview71 expresses their frustration by saying to them "it's the cheapest death ever. Following the tradition of past seasons, season 4 followed the adventures of multiple groups simultaneously, and this time around one of the most vital arcs involved Joyce journeying to Russia to rescue Jim. The arc takes up a significant amount of screen time, as the group not only breaks into a high-security prison but breaks in again, and also introduces two of the best new characters in season 4.
Reddit stranger things
After the triumphant return of Stranger Things 4 , hype for the 5th and final installment of the series has flooded the internet. The Duffer Brothers haven't said much about the final season. Whether this is due to secrecy or because they haven't finished writing the final season, it's difficult to say, but they have given fans a few clues about Stranger Things 5. Reportedly, Stranger Things 5 will take place after a time skip. The Duffer Brothers have also stated that Will Byers will be a huge player in the final season. Allegedly, they already have the final scene of the series planned. The little information about the show's future hasn't stopped people from taking to Reddit with their theories, though.
Cemetery wreath stakes
In the first episode of season 4, Steve and Robin are on their way to school, talking about girls. To cheer El up, Max brings her to the mall for a girl's day. Xoxobabyj26 says, "My favorite moments in S2 [were] when we got to see them bonding. When she walks up and asks him to dance with her, it's just such a sweet, selfless thing for her to do for him, and a great moment considering she slams her bedroom door in his face in the first episode of season 1. Reddit users love this scene between El and Hopper. She asks Dustin to dance and encourages him to keep his confidence. User cranfeckintastic goes into a spiel about this moment, summing up how nearly all fans on Reddit feel about it: "My absolute favorite is when Nancy sees Dustin at the Snowball, realizes he's been rejected by some of the girls After seeing the flashbacks it is apparent that he loved his mom dearly. The actors' chemistry is off the charts, and the pure joy they're exhibiting at this moment brings out all the wholesome feels. Max and El are upset with Lucas and Mike. This moment is also arguably the only completely normal scene in the whole series. While much of the season takes a dive into darker and more mature story threads, Stranger Things manages to throw in a good amount of wholesome and heart-warming scenes to lighten the mood.
Her compassion at the Snowball is unmatched, especially since Dustin is at his lowest here. Reddit user nascarfan shares their thoughts on the scene, saying, "Steve Harrington being the greatest of allies. You will be missed. After an argument over whether to go trick-or-treating in this awesome Halloween-themed episode , they eat breakfast and find peace over Eggo waffles. The post starts out discussing Billy's sacrificing himself to the Mind Flayer, defying its possession as his final act, protecting Eleven and the rest of the others in the process. User cranfeckintastic goes into a spiel about this moment, summing up how nearly all fans on Reddit feel about it: "My absolute favorite is when Nancy sees Dustin at the Snowball, realizes he's been rejected by some of the girls The actors' chemistry is off the charts, and the pure joy they're exhibiting at this moment brings out all the wholesome feels. She asks Dustin to dance and encourages him to keep his confidence. Reddit users love this scene between El and Hopper. Evan Romano. While much of the season takes a dive into darker and more mature story threads, Stranger Things manages to throw in a good amount of wholesome and heart-warming scenes to lighten the mood. El is so intrigued by everything in Mike's home, but she remains cautious, like a kid in a candy store who's afraid to touch anything. Fortunately, they decided against it, and now, Stranger Things houses TV's greatest bromance. After spending weeks away at camp, Dustin returns to Hawkins. Steve and Dustin attempt to lure Dustin's demo-dog down a train track.
I can not participate now in discussion - there is no free time. But I will be released - I will necessarily write that I think on this question.